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Sun SPACR Ultra30's & going beyond the base install v3.0 r5

I have a couple of Sun Ultra 30 Creators, I plan on retiring Solaris and deploying Debian Linux.
I have the base v3.0r5 install up and running on the Sun's - all boot no problems.

Here is my problem -  I have downloaded all  the v3.0 r5 SPARC ISO's images
I have built the CD's - all 8 of them - and they are all ok, can be read by other systems.
I booted off the  CD #1 to install the base system. All OK.

My problem - how does one go about installing all the rest of the distribution from
 CD 2 through 6?

Misc:  I have trawled through the various docs, ref mans etc etc and nothing provides me with what I am looking for. 
What I am looking for is an  'apt-get install all cdrom'   type command.
Comments, suggestions pointers to docs specific to SPARC full installs appreciated.
Thank you.
Phil Grimshaw

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