Re: RFC: xorg configuration generation on sparc
I retract my second post. The use of the sunffb driver worked on woody, but when I did an apt-get dist-upgrade to testing, the sunffb driver is non-existent. Is there another driver I should use in the testing release? I am really at a loss now, and really don't want to downgrade back to woody.
Thanks for those who help,
Jeff M
On 7/14/06, Steve Pacenka <> wrote:
On Friday 14 July 2006 01:18, Jurij Smakov wrote:
> * cfb and cfb32 modules are loaded by default on sparc. Currently sunffb
> driver (probably most common) depends on symbols from these modules.
> sunffb is also made a default driver, in case detection fails.
I unfortunately can't test the variant xserver-xorg package until 7/23.
Is sunffb (UPA in U30, U60, U2, U1?) really most common among Linux users, or
is ati (blades, U5, U10, some PCI cards)? In both cases the new detection
logic should find the right type.
With all of these Tuxes visible at boot, it's a shame we can't use fbdev as a
fallback. Does this actually work on any Sparc?
Why not make an unrecognized framebuffer fail the install and provide a
pointer to a manual process? People encountering the failure could be asked
to post a Debian bug against xserver-xorg (or against
xserver-xorg-video-sunffb to narrow it down to the platform) and provide a
prtconf transcript.
-- SP
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