debian-l10n-french Nov 2015 by thread
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- Pages web a mettre a jour Debian WWW translation watch
- Re: [RFR] wml://users/com/{99ideas,outletpc}.wml Marc Delisle
- Re: [RFR] wml://users/edu/aberdeen.wml Marc Delisle
- [LCFC] wml://devel/debian-installer/errata.wml Baptiste Jammet
- Re: [RFR2] wml://security/2015/dsa-3386.wml Philippe Baret
- Re: [LCFC2] po-debconf://dyfi/fr.po 6u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] FreedomBox v0,3 Philippe Baret
- [MAJ] po-debconf://dbconfig-common/fr.po 3f Baptiste Jammet
- unattended-upgrades 0.86.6: Please update debconf PO translation for the package unattended-upgrades Christian Perrier
- [RFR] wml://blends/gis/about.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://blends/gis/get/metapackages.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://CD/verify.wml JP Guillonneau
- [DONE] wml://consultants/{m_bilow,puchalak}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://blends/hamradio/get/live.wml JP Guillonneau
- kismet 2013.03.R1b-4: Please update debconf PO translation for the package kismet Nikos Andrikos
- [RFR] Freedombox Plinth FR Philippe Baret
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-338{7,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-339{0,1,2,3}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [TAF] wml://users/{edu/iaeste,gov/lhsc,gov/sjhc,org/re-ware}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [BTS#804126] po-debconf://magnum/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Offre de participation à la communauté Debian Yves
- [LCFC2] wml://CD/faq/index.wml JP Guillonneau
- Ethernet Bertrand_adsl
- [RFR] wml://users/gov/sjhc.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-33{4,5}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR2] wml://security/2015/dsa-339{4,5}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- Choix de system d'exploitation Farid Lahcene
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3378.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3379.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://devel/debian-installer/News/2015/20151026.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-338{3,4}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2015/dsa-337{5,6}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE] wml://security/2015/dsa-3377.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://users/edu/{ccc-uba,cintli-unam}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] po4a://debhelper/fr.po 31f 51u Baptiste Jammet
- debhelper 9.20151101+unreleased: Please update the PO translation for the package debhelper Niels Thykier
- [LCFC] wml://News/weekly/2015/08 jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3380.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3381.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3382.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2015/dsa-3385.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3396.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3397.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [ITT] wml://vote/2015/vote_003.wml JP Guillonneau
- Help for french translation needed ? Stephane Piriou
- participation au groupe de traduction bombina variegata
- [BTS#804948] po-debconf://manila/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [ITT] checkinstall vauss
- [RFR] wml://users/edu/ailabzurich.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [BTS#805182] po4a://shadow Thomas Blein
- Prise de contact Nicolas Kaiser
- [RFR] wml://vote/2015/vote_002.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3398.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [MAJ] po-debconf://magnum/fr.po 2f Christian PERRIER
- [MAJ] po-debconf://manila/fr.po 3f2u Christian PERRIER
- [MAJ] po-debconf://mistral/fr.po 9f Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#805397] po-debconf://zaqar/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://cups/fr.po JP Guillonneau
- [DONE] wml://devel/hamradio/get/live.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3399.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [DONE]po://cups 1533t;3f;1u JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3400.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://users/com/{fusionmarketing,kulturystyka}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://vote/2009/platforms/zack.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://women/profiles/template.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-3401.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://mirror/index.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-340{2,3}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [ITT] po://vorbis-tools/fr.po 186t;147f;168u vauss
- [RFR] wml://security/2015/dsa-340{4,5,6,7}.wml jean-pierre giraud
- [RFR] wml://releases/squeeze/index.wml Thomas Vincent
- [BTS#806506] po-debconf://gnocchi/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- xsp 4.2-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package xsp Debian Mono Group
The last update was on 07:12 GMT Sun Mar 01. There are 343 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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