debian-sparc May 2005 by subject
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64 bit versions of strace and gdb
Участок с домом на продажу
Рассылка, после звонки и новые клиенты
Реклама для Вас
Как получить клиента?
[PATCH] 2.6.x SMP UltraSPARC instability
Re: __alloc_pages: 2-order allocation failed
Anjanette Berenbach
apache and CGI :segfault !
Bug #251149: gcc wrapper for sparc is chronically broken
Bug of xpdf on Sparc architecture only
Re: Bug#251149: Bug #251149: gcc wrapper for sparc is chronically broken
Re: Bug#307502: illuminator: ftbfs [sparc] could not find path for
Re: Bug#307502: illuminator: ftbfs [sparc] could not find path for
Bug#309576: Successful: Sparc: SS5: Woody->Sarge upgrade
Re: Bug#310375: successful woody->sarge upgrade on sparc64
can anyone tell me what the best way to get the xserver-xsun24?
Debian on SunBlade 2500
Envctrl support for E450
Re: fc-al and A5000
FC-AL driver support
Ihre Nachricht an
ipsec issues - testers wanted
Re: Kernel panic - not syncing: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
LOM and serial console
Re: Multimedia packages available
My kernel doesn't mount the boot-filesystem
netra LOM serial port
new install on blade 100 won't boot after poweroff
fwd: one hour cas1no payout.
php and passthru() in debian/sparc
Please build and upload illuminator
Problems with esp SCSI driver
question about linking errors
Refill confirmation needed
Re: Re: Retail Services Customer Care Message Confirmation (KMM11697966V95183L
running Debian on sun4c
Sarge Release Notes - Architecture specific news?
Sarge: Sparc5 Parallel Port - no such Device
Serial mouse on a Sparc Ultra
small dns daemon / forwarder ?
solaris binary in debian-sparc ?
sparc 2.6.11 kernel-images available in unstable
Sparcstation 5 - Debian installation
sudo, and timestamp in the future...
Sunfire V250 install
sunpci under linux ??
X - window setup on Sparc station 5.
XVR500 on linux ?
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zs_open tts/%d0, tty overwrite.
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