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Re: Bug#307502: illuminator: ftbfs [sparc] could not find path for libluminate.so.6

In article <[🔎] 1115138766.15755.22.camel@doorstop.home.net> you write:
>> dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: ldd on `debian/illuminator-demo/usr/bin/tsview-ng' gave error exit status 1
>> dh_shlibdeps: command returned error code 256
>> make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1
>Actually, since it built successfully on ten other arches, I'd conclude
>this is a buggy sparc toolchain.  What other explanation can you offer?

Missing versioned build dependancy you got lucky on on the other

Building a 64-bit library and expecting to find it in lib rather than
lib64.  (or visa-versa, or building one and expecting the other)

Other bi-arch issues.

The usual type size, initialization and pointer alignmet issues.

>Presumably this has come up in other packages.  Do you know how they
>worked around this bug?

A few packages get an ldd error, for example scalapack.  This issue has
not been completely tracked down or fixed.  

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
With Microsoft, failure is not an option.  It is a standard feature.

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