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Bug#309576: Successful: Sparc: SS5: Woody->Sarge upgrade

Hello Debian Sparc porters, 

upgrade-reports has received the following report from Ewen McNeill.

Do you have input on the Unimplemented SPARC system call issue ?

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

----- Forwarded message from Ewen McNeill <ewen@naos.co.nz> -----

Package: upgrade-reports

Archive date: Tue May 17 20:00:01 UTC 2005
Upgrade date: 2005/05/18 12:30:00 +1200
uname -a: Linux ss5 2.4.26-ss5 #1 Tue Apr 20 11:19:22 NZST 2004 sparc GNU/Linux
Method: aptitude (via instructions at

Contents of /etc/apt/sources.list:

# APT sources for ss5.sv.naos.co.nz
deb http://stupa.sv.naos.co.nz:9999/debian sarge main contrib non-free
deb http://stupa.sv.naos.co.nz:9999/non-US sarge/non-US main contrib non-free
deb http://stupa.sv.naos.co.nz:9999/security sarge/updates main contrib non-free

That's a local apt-proxy setup running on a Debian Woody system; 
it primarily uses ftp.nz.debian.org as its mirror.

- Were there any non-Debian packages installed before the upgrade?  If
  so, what were they?

Yes, the system had custom compiled kernel packages (which I see are in
need of updating); packages were compiled with make-kpkg from kernel.org 

It also had recompiled libssl; the host is a SparcStation 5, which
(at least with Debian Woody) had considerably improved crypto (eg, ssh)
performance with libssl recompiled to use the muliply/divide instructions
present in the newer Sparc chips.

- Was the system pre-update a pure woody system? If not, which packages
  were not from woody?

My recollection is that this system was installed with Woody; IIRC I've
had it only about 3 years.

- Did any packages fail to upgrade?

The only package that had issues during the upgrade was gpm, which failed
to restart because it couldn't talk to the mouse device.  Since the system 
has no mouse (I manage it serial console) this is unsurprising; I removed
gpm after the upgrade.

- Were there any problems with the system after upgrading?

So far everything seems to be okay.  I've rebooted the system and it
came up okay.  I've yet to decide whether I need to rebuild libssl
to use the additional process instructions for faster crypto.

Further Comments/Problems:

I did notice a few errors on the console at one point in the ugprade:

libc6.postrm[10052]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
rm[10053]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188

rm[10056]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
rm[10057]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
grep[10058]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188
mv[10059]: Unimplemented SPARC system call 188

but they didn't appear again after (IIRC) the first init reload, and
don't seem to have appeared again after the reboot.  Possibly this
is related to having a custom 2.4.26 kernel.

It would be a very good idea to warn people in the upgrade documentation
to check they have sufficient disk space to perform the upgrade.  At
the low point this system had 18MB of disk left (having started with over
300MB) free:

ss5:/etc/texmf/texmf.d# df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1               838344    776832     18924  98% /

Doing "apt-get clean" helped considerably in freeing up disk space 
(with apt-get clean, and removing some uneeded packages, the system
has about 275MB free).

A number of these (older) systems will have quite small disks; that
SS5 has a 1GB disk, with about 850MB available for data and the rest
for swap.  (There are also some NFS mounts which I umounted during the
upgrade.  That and the fact that it's a test machine make it practical
to still use.)

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