debian-sparc Mar 2001 by thread
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Re: Sparc Potato mouse and keyboard setup Q89029292
new kernel images uploaded Wichert Akkerman
Inviscidnetworks Duong, Shelly
Security fixes for libXaw derivatives still not in potato-updates Philippe Troin
SS10 not booting off internal hard drive zbir
Does LPRng 3.7.4-2 work for you? Craig Small
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Netscape as usual... :( Chris Trainor
playsmpeg and Xfree86 4.0.2 Gabor Zoltan Csejtey
howto setup an install server.. DREIER Frédéric
port forwarding with ssh/woody Olivier Bornet
compiling nedit and joe under SunOS Matthias Landwehr
Half-baked potato/woody Xsun zbir
2x SM81 + Sparc 20 + Linux? Will it work? Ryan Kirkpatrick
Problem with accentuated characters (in mutt) Ultra 10/woody Olivier Bornet
Re: Bug#90549: SS2 Problem Adam Di Carlo
Re: TFTP booting on SPARCstation IPX Adam Di Carlo
FW: is it possible to automatically shut down the box when using poweroff ? cpfaff . cs
automount on 2.4.X ? Ragga Muffin
Problems to boot my Sparx IPX Iñaki Martínez
OT: Which ROM for SMP SS10 Dan Field
ELC: potatoe or slink? Ashley Ward
Unidentified subject! raphael . condom
[Fwd: OT: Which ROM for SMP SS10] Tad Bilby
floppy boot UFS raphael . condom
Install problem on a Sparc 2 John Turnbull
cfdisk DREIER Frédéric
Netra X1 Adam McKenna
Philips CDRW800 on woody Olivier Bornet
Non-interactive partitionning DREIER Frédéric
mouse on an ultra10 Pierfrancesco Caci
Newbie.... Rodrigo VN
Debian, X, Ultra 5, Type 6 keyboard Andrew Pollock
Boot problem on a Sparc 2 John Turnbull
XFree86 4.0.2-12 release and architecture status Branden Robinson
Xsun and multiscreen configuration Thomas Seyrat
compiling the kernel Pierfrancesco Caci
building compressed kernel Tim ter Laak
Re: building compressed kernel Ben Collins
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: building compressed kernel Onno Benschop
Uploads required for 2.2r3 Martin Schulze
Proper way to get SS10 to woody? Zachery Bir
Building a kernal from offial sources. John Turnbull
Building a kernel from official sources. John Turnbull
SCSI problem. Jonathan D. Amery
Congratulations Onno Benschop
Xkb maps problem Aaron Dewell
SparcStation 4 - SCSI problem Peter Mann
updating to xfree 4 with mach64 Dave Love
Re: php4 for potato Martin Schulze
Build required (postgresql) Martin Schulze
The last update was on 06:22 GMT Sun May 12. There are 219 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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