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[no subject] Mi sueño perdido [ANNOUNCE] deb installed:/UNIONFS/ ./ - apt-method-installed 0.3 - Faster than ever [Bug 1107] I have try to innstall skolelinux with Wmware but it fail [Bug 1107] New: I have try to innstall skolelinux with Wmware but it fail Added comment to online story. adept now in Debian unstable Bug#359625: marked as done (xdebconfigurator: [INTL:tl] Tagalog templates translation) Bug#367354: marked as done (xdebconfigurator: [INTL:th] Thai Translation) Bug#372863: marked as done ([INTL:ne] Nepali xdebconfigurator translation) Bug#377794: Recommends unavailable xfonts-base-transcoded Bug#380264: xdebconfigurator: get-edid loop BugSquashing 11.-13.8. german testcenter Call for artwork: boot screen with progress bar Changes to admin interface of testskoler cheap Software Could skolelinux etch test pr00 be released? Could someone give a little guidance about the partitioning docs? edubuntu etch-test installer Re: FreeJava + TomCat Server? HELLO International web pages [Was: Spanish Web site] Re: Job request List of useful linux applications, are they in debian-edu? A lot of whining from "me", theese last days.... Mail System Error - Returned Mail {Virus Scanned} meeting 24/7-06 Re: network calendar New development machine available for debian-edu developers new tuxtype and tuxmath packages available Re: Package Selection for Debian Live Picture: Birthday Cake for Skolelinux Processed: #374923: [INTL:km] xdebconfigurator translation Processed: reassign 377794 to debian-edu ... Processed: retitle 377794 to Recommends unavailable xfonts-base-transcoded, cvsbook, gnupg-doc Processing of xdebconfigurator_1.24_i386.changes Programmation sous Linux Re : Yrvin will arrive Forbach 13:21 sunday morning Setup of Several Problems with etch-test Re: Skolelinux for Berlin? Re: Statistics: slschools (graph, maps) still alive Suggestions to reduce spams in slschools database Tested etch-cd and etch-cd-test Wellcome Wikipage: Teams += webmasters; xdebconfigurator 1.24 MIGRATED to testing xdebconfigurator_1.24_i386.changes ACCEPTED Your Bugzilla buglist needs attention. Yrvin will arrive Forbach 13:21 sunday morning The last update was on 12:02 GMT Sun May 19. There are 124 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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