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Re: Suggestions to reduce spams in slschools database

Hi Finn-Arne. Thanks for your comments...

Am Freitag 28 Juli 2006 11:43 schrieb Finn-Arne Johansen:
> >  3.    Make URLs non-clickable in general.
> the urls to register ?? I guess that only would lead to fewer
> registered schools :(

No, I meant the links that are meant to point to the schools' home pages 
but are used to promote some web shops. If those links are hidden for 
some days or even weeks (because an admin is sleeping) we still have 
the geodata to find the place ;)

Kind regards

PS: I could implement #2 or #3 in no time. Email confirmation takes some 
weeks or months because I lack the experience how to do it.

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