debian-devel Feb 2011 by thread
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Re: A request for those attending key signing parties Thijs Kinkhorst
Re: Upstream "stable" branches and Debian freeze Thijs Kinkhorst
Re: CPE lists was Re: Equivalent packages between Linux distributions Petter Reinholdtsen
Any Debian Developers traveling to Almaty? (GPG key sign needed) Timur Birsh
Bug#611738: ITP: pascal-synapse -- syncronous TCP/IP library in Pascal Marcos Marado
Re: Bug#611641: ITP: fadecut -- Radio livestream to ogg/mp3 tool Tanguy Ortolo
Bug#611752: ITP: mana -- mana is a 2D MMORPG Patrick Matthäi
Re: Misc Developer News (#24) Goswin von Brederlow
Bug#611764: ITP: -- Tool for generating C# wrappers around VTK Mathieu Malaterre
Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Yaroslav Halchenko
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Stefano Zacchiroli
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Ian Jackson
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Simon McVittie
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Yaroslav Halchenko
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Ian Jackson
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Michael Hanke
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Ian Jackson
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Michael Hanke
- Re: package testing, autopkgtest, and all that Lars Wirzenius
Bug#611776: ITP: ranger -- A vim-inspired filemanager for the console. Qijiang Fan
Bug#611789: ITP: mummy -- command line executable that generates C# wrappers from gccxml output Mathieu Malaterre
Bug#611793: ITP: sleepisdeath -- a storytelling game for two players Paul Wise
Bug#611809: ITP: kombu -- AMQP Messaging Framework for Python Fladischer Michael
Bug#611828: ITP: probalign -- multiple sequence alignment using partition function posterior probabilities andreas
Bug#611852: ITP: ctioga2 -- polymorphic plotting program Vincent Fourmond
Bug#611859: ITP: perroquet -- a program to train your oral skills in foreign languages Georges Khaznadar
Bug#611863: ITP: rq -- parallel queued computation with no configuration Steffen Moeller
Bug#611869: ITP: compass-yui-plugin -- Compass plugin implementing the YUI CSS Foundation Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#611880: ITP: webkit2pdf -- export web pages to PDF files Ricardo Mones
Bug#611895: ITP: django-kombu -- Kombu transport using the Django database as a message store Fladischer Michael
Upcoming FTPMaster meeting Joerg Jaspert
Bug#611928: ITP: mrbayes -- Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny andreas
does aptitude really need to lock the status database when downloading? Stanislav Maslovski
there is /usr/lib64 symlink but no /usr/local/lib64 Yaroslav Halchenko
Bug#611961: ITP: handlersocket -- HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL Clint Byrum
Preparing GSoC 2011: bring in your project ideas! Obey Arthur Liu
Bug#612014: ITP: phpunit-selenium -- Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit Olivier Berger
Bug#612031: RFP: xscope -- Monitor X11/Client conversations Arnout Engelen
Re: Bug#593339: RFP: freeorion -- FreeOrion is a free, open source, turn-based space empire and galactic conquest computer game Paul Wise
Bug#612045: ITP: ucimf-sunpinyin -- sunpinyin input method wrapper for ucimf Aron Xu
Bug#612048: ITP: libxfce4ui -- widget library for Xfce desktop environment Yves-Alexis Perez
Help needed please help Marin George Sorin
Bug#612078: ITP: libreoffice-voikko -- Finnish language tools for LibreOffice Timo Jyrinki
Bug#612090: ITP: garcon -- compliant menu library Yves-Alexis Perez
Re: Safe file update library ready (sort of) Shachar Shemesh
Bug#612096: ITP: abootimg -- Tool to read/write/update android boot images Heiko Stuebner
Bug#612110: ITP: tumbler -- d-bus thumbnailing service Yves-Alexis Perez
Re: Can you believe it? The Debian website has a new layout! Domenico Andreoli
Bug#612158: ITP: florence -- extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for GNOME Jérémy Bobbio
Branching changelogs or not (Was: debian/changelogs, legacy work on packages and other distros) Andreas Tille
Re: Anybody else having problems w/ DNSSEC and Florian Weimer
Bug#612229: ITP: maradns2 -- new major release of the Simple Security focused DNS server Nicholas Bamber
Ideas for object-based git-like storage on Linux Roger Leigh
Bug#612233: ITP: jsxgraph -- Interactive Geometry with JavaScript Georges Khaznadar
Bug#612243: ITP: jsdoc-toolkit -- automatic generator for HTML documentation of Javascript sources Georges Khaznadar
Bug#612245: ITP: fceux -- The all in one NES/Famicom Emulator Joseph Nahmias
Bug#612270: ITP: tagainijisho -- A Japanese dictionary and learning assistant Thibaut VARENE
Bug#612288: RFP: phplist -- multi-list email campaign manager Jonathan Wiltshire
Bug#612296: O: bacula John Goerzen
Thank you ▲▼amila▲▼
Bug#612330: [general] Debian Live fails to restart Filipus Klutiero
Processed: Re: Bug#612330: [general] Debian Live fails to restart Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#612358: ITP: lpg-generator-java -- Java Runtime support for the LPG parser Niels Thykier
Bug#612359: [general] Debian Live: some Boot menu options are invisible (Memory test) Filipus Klutiero
2011年2月 東京エリアDebian勉強会のおしらせ Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Bug#612363: ITP: faulthandler -- Display the Python backtrace on a crash Miriam Ruiz
Squeeze Release Coincides with "Toy Story Marathon" Stephen Powell
Bug#612374: ITP: python-nose-achievements -- unlock achievements for running your tests Ricardo Kirkner
Bug#612375: ITP: stimfit -- view and analyze electrophysiological data NeuroDebian Team
Processed: Re: [general] Debian Live: some Boot menu options are invisible (Memory test) Debian Bug Tracking System
Qt3 removal rational Bastien ROUCARIES
Bug#612440: ITP: msv -- Sun multi-schema XML validator Giovanni Mascellani
Bug#612443: ITP: librelaxng-datatype-java -- Java datatype interface for RELAX NG Giovanni Mascellani
libcrypto++8/9 transition Jens Peter Secher
Kernel Pontus Andersson
Bug#612544: ITP: udt -- UDP based Data Transfer Protocol Jon Bernard
ITK 3.20.0 python WrapITK wrappers fail to build: too big? Steve M. Robbins
Bug#612547: ITP: libcal-dav-perl -- CalDAV client library Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#612549: ITP: libical-parser-sax-perl -- generates SAX events calendars from iCalendars Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#612566: ITP: python-ucltip -- A library to help making command line tool Python binding faster Hsin-Yi Chen (hychen)
Bug#612601: ITP: hiredis -- Minimalistic C client library for Redis Alessandro Ghedini
Bug#612604: ITP: libxml-semanticdiff-perl -- Perl extension for comparing XML documents Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#612624: ITP: libtest-xml-perl -- compare XML in perl tests Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#612627: ITP: libwww-google-auth-clientlogin-perl -- Perl module to interact with Google's ClientLogin protocol Alessandro Ghedini
Bug#612651: ITP: libanyevent-redis-perl -- Perl module that implements a non-blocking Redis client Alessandro Ghedini
Fun with libtool and cross-builds Wookey
Bug#612663: ITP: pyudev -- Python bindings for libudev Felix Geyer
Bug#612694: ITP: scanmonitord -- scanner button daemon Jakub Wilk
Bug#612718: ITP: libanyevent-dbd-pg-perl -- AnyEvent interface to DBD::Pg's async interface Dmitry E. Oboukhov
Bug#612734: O: policyd-weight -- a Perl policy daemon for the Postfix MTA Jan Wagner
Re: libsdl-perl Jonathan Yu
Bug#612744: general: Keyboard input problem after somehow connected with win_key michalxo
Bug#612761: ITP: python-pebl -- Python Environment for Bayesian Learning Miriam Ruiz
Processed: Re: Bug#612744: general: Keyboard input problem after somehow connected with win_key Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#612817: ITP: xnbd -- a Network Block Device server with support for Live Migration, Copy on Write and concurrent access Arno Töll
RFA: all my packages Decklin Foster
Bug#612852: ITP: pd-iemambi -- Pd-objects for Ambisonics sound spatialization IOhannes m zmoelnig
Bug#612855: ITP: libfile-util-perl -- File::Util - Easy, versatile, portable file handling TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612856: ITP: libmousex-nativetraits-perl -- Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612857: ITP: libconfig-pit-perl -- Perl module for Manage settings TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612858: ITP: libclass-ooorno-perl -- Give your module classic AND OO interfaces TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612859: ITP: libanyevent-http-perl -- simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612860: ITP: libexception-handler-perl -- perl module Exception::Handler TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612861: ITP: libwww-mechanize-autopager-perl -- Automatic Pagination using AutoPagerize TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612862: ITP: sludge -- Adventure game development kit and runtime engine Tobias Hansen
Bug#612865: ITP: libwww-youtube-download-perl -- Very simply YouTube video download interface. TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612866: ITP: libwww-nicovideo-download-perl -- Download FLV/MP4/SWF files from TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612867: ITP: libwww-mechanize-decodedcontent-perl -- decode Mech content using its HTTP response encoding TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612868: ITP: libhtml-autopagerize-perl -- Utility to load AutoPagerize SITEINFO stuff TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612869: ITP: libtest-fatal-perl -- incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612870: ITP: libmousex-types-path-class-perl -- A Path::Class type library for Mouse TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612871: ITP: libtext-microtemplate-perl -- Micro template engine with Perl5 language TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612872: ITP: libtwiggy-perl -- AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI (like Thin) TANIGUCHI Takaki
Bug#612873: ITP: libmousex-getopt-perl -- A Mouse role for processing command line options TANIGUCHI Takaki
git-buildpackage branch names Jérémy Lal
Spell checker as reasonable SPAM prevention tool Andreas Tille
Bug#612897: ITP: wreport -- C++ library for working with weather reports Enrico Zini
Bug#612901: O: asused -- To run a check on the usage of your registry's allocations Jan Wagner
Bug#612902: O: arpalert -- Monitor ARP changes in ethernet networks Jan Wagner
question about qq shutdown jia hao
RFA: sonata, mpdscribble,... Michal Čihař
chromium-browser is taking over all URLs Norbert Preining
Bug#612941: ITP: python-iso8601 -- python module to parse ISO 8601 dates Benjamin Mako Hill
Bug#612953: ITP: jam-lib -- Java applications look and behave like native applications andreas
Bug#613016: ITP: phpunit-dbunit -- DbUnit port for PHP/PHPUnit Olivier Berger
Bug#613018: ITP: phpunit-mock-objects -- Mock Object library for PHPUnit Olivier Berger
Bug#613080: ITP: jebl2 -- Java Evolutionary Biology Library andreas
armhf: mass bug filing, NMU and sprints Hector Oron
Bug#613123: ITP: reptyr -- A tool for moving running programs between ptys Evan Broder
Bug#613133: ITP: python-simplemediawiki -- extremely low-level wrapper to the MediaWiki API Benjamin Mako Hill
patch removal of --unified-reject-files breaks quilt Steve M. Robbins
MBF: switching away from homepage pseudo-header Stefano Zacchiroli
Bug#613209: O: jabberd14 -- Instant messaging server using the Jabber/XMPP protocol Miguel Landaeta
Bug#613210: ITP: replicatorg -- Simple 3D printing program Nicolas Dandrimont
Bug#613211: RFP: libmoosex-types-portnumber -- IANA port number type library for Moose intrigeri+debian
Bug#613213: RFP: libmoosex-types-netaddr-ip -- NetAddr::IP related types and coercions library for Moose intrigeri+debian
Bug#613217: ITP: python-logging-extra -- Generic utilities for the Python logging facility David Villa Alises
Bug#613220: ITP: mon-contrib -- contributed tools, monitors and alert for mon package Dario Minnucci
/srv on alioth nearly full Dominic Hargreaves
Bug#613293: ITP: svgsalamander -- SVG engine for Java Nicolas Dandrimont
The future of m-a and dkms Patrick Matthäi
The last update was on 18:30 GMT Wed May 01. There are 932 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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