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Re: OT: Python (was: Make Unicode bugs release critical?)

* Klaus Ethgen <Klaus@Ethgen.de>, 2011-02-14, 14:37:
~> LC_CTYPE=en_GB.utf-8 perl -e 'print "\x{00a3}\n";'
~> LC_CTYPE=en_GB.utf-8 perl -e 'print "\x{00a3}\n";' | cat
Let me try...

$ LC_CTYPE=en_GB.utf-8 perl -e 'print "\x{00a3}\n";' | isutf8
stdin: line 1, char 1, byte offset 1: invalid UTF-8 code

But I don't blame Perl for that. It's documented behavior, so I can either live with that or use another language.
Jakub Wilk

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