debian-devel-games Mar 2008 by thread
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- Re: clanbomber and clanlib Paul Wise
- Adopt a package - xlife Barry deFreese
- Powermanga Barry deFreese
- Re: RFS: simutrans (ITP #437627) Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo
- PATCH: add alsa sound output support to ClanLib (both 0.6 and 0.8) Hans de Goede
- Team Members MIA (was: New Admins: Tolimar and KiBi) Alexander Schmehl
- RFS: xlife Barry deFreese
- Some random Top 10 list of games Miriam Ruiz
- packages in games team SVN where Maintainer != games team Jon Dowland
- Statsvn on pkg-games Vincent Fourmond
- Patch: make clanlib 0.8.1 ABI compat with the 0.8.0 release Hans de Goede
- RFS: mathwar -- A flash card game designed to teach maths Barry deFreese
- [done] Re: RFS: simutrans-pak64 (ITP #467549) Alexander Schmehl
- Re: RFS: glbsp ("new" upstream version) Darren Salt
- RFS: pokerth 0.6.1 (updated package/new upstream release) Evgeni Golov
- RFS: boswars Cyril Brulebois
- free game engines, non-distributable game data and how to ship them Evgeni Golov
- debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Gerfried Fuchs
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Miriam Ruiz
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Ivan Vucica
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Gerfried Fuchs
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay ivucica
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Miriam Ruiz
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Gerfried Fuchs
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Eddy Petrișor
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Miriam Ruiz
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Paul Wise
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Miriam Ruiz
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Richard Hartmann
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Richard Hartmann
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Paul Wise
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Ivan Vucica
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Peter De Wachter
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Ivan Vucica
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Richard Hartmann
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Eddy Petrișor
- Re: debconf, debcamp and webbased goplay Paul Wise
- Re: Using a script to regenerate orig tarball Eddy Petrișor
- Removal of clanbomber Barry deFreese
- we are buggy - please help :) Evgeni Golov
- RFS: airstrike -- 2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP' Barry deFreese
- Re: Chromium BSU upstream developers needed! Paul Wise
- RFC: A truly cross-distro game packaging list (was: Re: Chromium BSU upstream developers needed!) Richard Hartmann
- RFS: amphetamine Barry deFreese
- RFS: powermanga Barry deFreese
- RFS: simutrans Ansgar Burchardt
- Re: GCC 4.3 FTBFS Cyril Brulebois
- Re: nexuiz 2.4 Cyril Brulebois
- RFS: moagg Barry deFreese
- RFS: stormbaancoureur. New upstream release Barry deFreese
- Re: ufoai packages Teemu Ikonen
- Fixing some packages I helped maintain Andres Mejia
- Gibson's possible patent on Guitar Hero idea Miriam Ruiz
- Packages needing reviewed and/or sponsored. stormbaancoureur, adanaxisgpl, snowballz, xlife Barry deFreese
- New game packaged Moritz Muehlenhoff
- RFC: silvertree - Worth including? Barry deFreese
- RFS: alien-arena Barry deFreese
- Package Statuses: pixbros, openmortal Barry deFreese
- RFS: barrage Barry deFreese
The last update was on 19:18 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 166 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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