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Re: free game engines, non-distributable game data and how to ship them

* Ivan Vucica <ivucica@gmail.com> [2008-03-17 14:15:19 CET]:
> CNC1 was recently released as freeware (not free software), it might
> be interesting to package freecnc into contrib + free CNC1 data into
> non-free.

 No, it might not. Do you want to take care of all the bugreports that
might pop up for freecnc, tackle them appropriately? Packaging freecnc
would come down to that because there is no upstream anymore from what I
know, there hasn't been any upstream activity since _years_. "December
2nd, 2006: Due to lack of project activity ..."

 Please keep in mind that pushing a package into Debian requires a
certain level of stability, bug-freeness and longtime support -
technically every package uploaded to the pool should be in a state that
makes sense (and has support) for the livetime of a stable release.

 This should be the *first* thing to consider, not pull something in
just because it might be possible now and afterwards send removal
requests again once people start to complain about the bugs...

 So long,

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