debconf-team Jun 2006 by thread
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[Debconf-team] Cleaning up the wiki
Re: [Debconf-team] Cleaning up the wiki
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] Cleaning up the wiki
Re: [Debconf-team] Cleaning up the wiki
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Andreas Schuldei
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Holger Levsen
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Moray Allan
Re: [Debconf-team] IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Patty Langasek
[Debconf-team] Re: MOVED: IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: MOVED: IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Alexander Schmehl
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: MOVED: IRC Meeting to decide about next DebConf location
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Local Meeting prior to the decision
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Re: Local Meeting prior to the decision
Moray Allan
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: Local Meeting prior to the decision
Otavio Salvador
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: Local Meeting prior to the decision
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: Local Meeting prior to the decision
Otavio Salvador
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: Local Meeting prior to the decision
Alexander Schmehl
[Debconf-team] Some details about hadicapped people added to location checklist
Otavio Salvador
[Debconf-team] Regarding the Bosnia proposal for Debconf7
Gunnar Wolf
[Debconf-team] Debconf in Japan team progress report -- only started
Junichi Uekawa
[Debconf-team] DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] I'm taking a break
Alexander Schmehl
[Debconf-team] Number of attendees
Alexander Schmehl
[Debconf-team] New alioth repositories for all upcoming DebConf events, new lists, other news, blurb.
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Martin Wuertele
<Possible follow-ups>
[Debconf-team] Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Andreas Schuldei
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Anthony Towns
Re: [Debconf-team] Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Gunnar Wolf
[Debconf-team] [ Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation]
Andreas Schuldei
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
<Possible follow-ups>
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Holger Levsen
[Debconf-team] Request Tracker for DebConf
Joerg Jaspert
<Possible follow-ups>
[Debconf-team] Request Tracker for DebConf
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Request-tracker
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Re: [Debconf-discuss] Request-tracker
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Moray Allan
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Moray Allan
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Junichi Uekawa
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Junichi Uekawa
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
David Moreno Garza
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia
Andreas Barth
On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
David Moreno Garza
[Debconf-team] Re: On visas also
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
[Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Holger Levsen
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Marcela Tiznado
Embassies near DebConf venues (was Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!)
Moray Allan
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
David Moreno Garza
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Gunnar Wolf
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Andreas Schuldei
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
David Moreno Garza
Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!
David Moreno Garza
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Aníbal Monsalve Salazar
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Moray Allan
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
David Moreno Garza
[Debconf-team] Re: On visas also
Moray Allan
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Moray Allan
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Christian Perrier
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Moray Allan
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Andreas Schuldei
Re: On visas also (was: Re: [Debconf-team] US travel warning about Bosnia)
Gunnar Wolf
[Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
David Moreno Garza
Re: [Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
Gunnar Wolf
Re: [Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
Riku Voipio
Re: [Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] Bosnian visas for countries which do not have Bosnian diplomatic missions in them - RESOLVED!
Safir Secerovic
[Debconf-team] Combined conference possibilities
Josh Berkus
Re: [Debconf-team] Combined conference possibilities
Andreas Schuldei
Re: [Debconf-team] Combined conference possibilities
Kevin Campbell
[Debconf-team] DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation
Anthony Towns
Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation
Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation
Anthony Towns
Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation
[Debconf-team] Re: DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation
Andreas Schuldei
[Debconf-team] debconf admin
Joerg Jaspert
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Fwd: EUMM_SAR[1] - Hotel Venue presentation
Safir Secerovic
[Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Joerg Jaspert
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Ana Guerrero
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Gunnar Wolf
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Meike Reichle
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Meike Reichle
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Andreas Schuldei
Re: [Debconf-team] [ #37] New layout
Joerg Jaspert
[Debconf-team] Visit to Bosnia - plan draft
Safir Secerovic
[Debconf-team] Fwd: Visit to Bosnia - plan draft UPDATED!
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] Fwd: Visit to Bosnia - plan draft UPDATED!
Alexander Schmehl
Re: [Debconf-team] Fwd: Visit to Bosnia - plan draft UPDATED!
Safir Secerovic
[Debconf-team] An idea about the dormitory in Sarajevo...
Safir Secerovic
Re: [Debconf-team] An idea about the dormitory in Sarajevo...
Gunnar Wolf
Re: [Debconf-team] An idea about the dormitory in Sarajevo...
Emir Beganović
The last update was on 20:49 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 121 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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