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[Debconf-team] Re: DebConf 7 Venue Decision Delegation

* Anthony Towns (leader@debian.org) [060622 17:25]:
> Andreas, Alexander and Joerg will shortly be visiting both locations to
> quiz the organising teams and see the proposed venues close up. 

I would also like to use the opportunity for "knowledge
transfer" to the local teams about what we learned from previous
debconfs, in order to give them a better understanding of what
could happen, wont happen, will happen and how to best deal with

We produced some documents during the last years (like the
budget or the TaskJuggler project plan) that are usefull to give
a better idea about the high level workings of a debconf. I used
those files to present debconf in Brixen in the beginning of
2006, with good results.

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