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[Debconf-team] Fwd: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation

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Subject: Re: DebConf "Legal" BoF continued - lets get it to a Delegation
Date: Sunday 11 June 2006 17:43
From: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org>

Joerg Jaspert dijo [Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 09:31:46PM +0200]:
> (...)
> So, I propose to delegate
> Andreas Schuldei (lead of the team),
> Fabian Fagerholm,
> Gunnar Wolf,
> Joerg Jaspert
> as the DebConf organizers[1]
> (...)
> [1] And Holger Levsen also, if he is a DD by then. If not then that
>     should be done right after he got it.

In general, I agree with what has been said in this thread: This
delegation could work, yes, but I'm not sure if it needs to be this
way. It would be fine with me if we had one delegate (namely,
Andreas). Yes, if the main rationale is to make access to SPI-held
money (or similar), having a second or third person makes some
sense. And having people spread over more countries, to make access to
more accounts easier, makes more sense - But it gets to a point where
it is not that logical anymore.

On one side, I acknowledge Tolimar's concern - He has been as involved
as many, and wasn't considered in your list (which is, yes, just a
preliminary version). But then again, we have too many people which
have done a lot of work. Why do we need a big group of delegates? The
work, in the end, will continue to be done by the same group that has
handled it so far, and quite probably in the same fashion.

Now, about keeping the group of delegates as people with access to the
accounts: It's also not very logical in each of the cases. Take me as
an example. Had I been a delegate last year, yes, we would have saved
about two weeks when we requested SPI's money, around March. It would
have been most welcome. And I guess you added me in the list because
of my _previous_ work in Debconf - But I truly hope that this year we
won't need anybody in Mexico with this access. Yes, "access" basically
means "you can ask SPI for money and suchandsuch" - but what's the
logic behind the specific delegations? Why do we need a large team of

Yes, I had told you in private I am interested and OK in being part of
this group - but I want to be sure it is a needed thing before. Right
now, I tend to think that having only one delegate would work
fine. And having no formal delegates, as up to now, could still work,


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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