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Re: [Debconf-team] On Bosnian entry visas for South and Central Americas EXCLUDING Argentinians!

Holger Levsen wrote:
> Well, if "on the fly" doesnt mean "in the plane" this still means 
> inconvenience and also more costs, as people would need to fly to that city, 
> leave the airport, go to the Foreign Office, probably wait there, hopefully 
> get the VISA, get back to the airport, (hopefully catch the booked flight), 
> fly to Sarajevo :-(

That's exactly my concern. People needing visa to come to Mexico (Gunnar
or Gaby could give more information about this), at least was
process-treated locally and nobody left the country with the uncertainty
or being allowed to enter Mexico or not (I can think on Rudy, who were
almost all DebConf dealing with his visa and finally couldn't make it,
but at least he was at his place and no huge amounts of money were
wasted on getting a visa "on the fly").

David Moreno Garza <damog@damog.net>   |  http://www.damog.net/
		   <damog@debian.org>  |          GPG: C671257D
 Es decir, no por ser "subterráneas" deben de sonar de la mierda.

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