debian-l10n-french Jul 2007 by thread
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- [BTS#431213] po-debconf://mantis/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [LCFC] po://console-tools/fr.po Dragos Stoichita
- [LCFC] wml://devel/debian-med/research.wml Pierre PANTALÉON
- Participer Debian project Valerie Dagrain
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package smstools 3.0.2-5 Christian Perrier
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package watchdog 5.3.1-4 Christian Perrier
- Re: [RFR] wml://doc/index.wml Cyril Brulebois
- Re: [LCFC] po-debconf://ion3/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [RFR2] po-debconf://slbackup-php/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [BTS#431384] po-debconf://gnunet/fr.po Christian Perrier
- typo dans le guide du nouveau responsable debian Nicolas Boulenguez
- [RFR] po-debconf://gnome-speech/fr.po Vincent Bernat
- [BTS] po-debconf://ion3/fr.po #431457 Vincent Bernat
- RMLL Zword
- Re: [LCFC] po://sbackup/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [DONE] po://dpkg/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Re: [BTS] po-debconf://roundcube/fr.po #427736 Vincent Bernat
- Re: [RFR2] po-debconf://microcode.ctl/fr.po 4u Hugues Naulet
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package ltsp 5.0.8debian2 vagrant
- [RFR] po-debconf://strongswan/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Number of reviews in DDTP/DDTSS, for French Christian Perrier
- [ITT] po-debconf://debian-edu-install/fr.po 2u Cyril Brulebois
- [HOLD] po://debian-history/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po://pbuilder/fr.po 379u Christian Perrier
- Re: [RFR] po://apt-listbugs/fr.po 3f Christian Perrier
- Re: [ITT] po://python-apt/fr.po [MAJ] 13f2u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po://menu/fr.po 13f29u Christian Perrier
- Re: [RFR] po://aptitude/fr.po 3f2u Christian Perrier
- ping Christian Perrier
- [VAC] 6/07 -> mi-aout Jean-Marc Chaton
- Lost mail (for me) on Debian mailing lists Christian Perrier
- [HOLD] po-debconf://partman-dmraid/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/users/edu dce-felk-cvut.wml harv ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2007 0616-debianday.wml 0 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2007 0825-froscon.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/Bugs server-control.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1245.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1249.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1301.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1300.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1303.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1310.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1308.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1320.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1309.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security nonvulns-etch.src nonvu ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/doc obsolete.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1318.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1304.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1316.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1316.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1304.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joey: webwml/french/events/2007 0616-debianday.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by joey: webwml/french/events/2007 0617-debconf.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/vote/2007/platforms stratus.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by charles-guest: webwml/french/devel/debian-med microbio.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/misc children-distros.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2007 index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/doc ddp.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/doc devel-manuals.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/doc misc-manuals.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/doc user-manuals.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/misc related_links.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/po Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1247.wml dsa-1 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/doc index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/ports/arm index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980826b.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980826c.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19981012.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by kreutzm: webwml/french/News/1998 19980722.wml Pierre Machard
- [RFR] po://menu/fr.po Jean-Philippe Guérard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by charles-guest: webwml/french/devel/debian-med research.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1310.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by jseidel: webwml/french/security/2007 dsa-1317.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/press index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/1998 19981012.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/devel tech-ctte.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel tech-ctte.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/misc children-distros.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/News/1998 19980826c.wml Pierre Machard
- [LCFC] po://dpkg/scripts/fr.po 17f3u Frédéric Bothamy
- Re: [RFR] wml://News/press/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] wml://News/press/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [LCFC] po://apt-listbugs/fr.po 3f Frédéric Bothamy
- [RFR2] wml://misc/related_links.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2007/06/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man3n-s/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man3t-z/fr.po Nicolas François
- [LCFC] man://e2fsprogs/findfs.8.po Nicolas François
- [LCFC] man://e2fsprogs/logsave.8.po Nicolas François
- [LCFC] man://e2fsprogs/resize2fs.8.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man7a-l/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man7m-z/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man2a-m/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man2n-z/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/man3g-m/fr.po Nicolas François
- [DONE] man://util-linux/getopt/fr.po 80u Nicolas François
- [RFR] man://e2fsprogs/mke2fs.conf.5.po Nicolas François
- [TAF] po-debconf://ocsinventory-server/fr.po 7u Christian Perrier
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package myphpmoney 1.3RC3+dfsg-5 Christian Perrier
- Re: [LCFC] po://gnome-apt/fr.po Dragos Stoichita
- [DONE] po://menu/su-to-root/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [BTS#430172] po://reportbug-ng/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [BTS] po-debconf://common-lisp-controller/fr.po #432285 Christian Perrier
- [BTS] po-debconf://ucf/fr.po #432286 Christian Perrier
- [RFR] po-debconf ://ocsinventory-server/fr.po David Kremer
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (09 Jul 2007) Frans Pop
- [RFR] man://manpages/man4/fr.po [MAJ] Simon Paillard
- [RFR] man://manpages/man3t-z/fr.po Nicolas François
- [RFR] man://manpages/man3n-s/fr.po Nicolas François
- [RFR] man://manpages/man{2a-m,2l-z,7a-l}/fr.po Julien Cristau
- [RFR] po-debconf://anon-proxy/fr.po Cyril Brulebois
- [TAF] po-debconf://destar/fr.po 2u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po-debconf://nss-ldapd/fr.po 6f12u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po://reportbug-ng/fr.po 6f4u Christian Perrier
- [BTS#432639] po-debconf://adduser/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po://gpe-expenses/fr.po 90u Christian Perrier
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package dibbler 0.6.0-3 Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po-debconf://roxen4/fr.po 9f Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po-debconf://iodine/fr.po 6u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po-debconf://wu-ftpd/fr.po 5f1u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po://adduser/fr.po 4f1u Christian Perrier
- salut safia feddag
- [done] wml://vote/2007/platforms/stratus.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://events/2007/0825-froscon.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-12{45,47,98,99}/wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-130{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-131{0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-1320.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-1316.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Emmenez vos devoirs de vacances: traduisez les descriptions de paquets Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po-debconf://cyrus-sasl2/fr.po 3u Christian Perrier
- Gardul viu - minune!!! Gard viu
- Debian-l10n-french Burton
- [itt] wml://security/2007/dsa-132{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [rfr] wml://security/2007/dsa-132{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Re: [rfr] wml://security/2007/dsa-132{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Stephane Blondon
- [done] wml://security/2007/dsa-132{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [itt] wml://security/2007/dsa-133{0,1,2}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package console-common 0.7.70 Christian Perrier
- [itt] wml://{opl,trademark,distrib/netboot}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [rfr] wml://legal/{notificationforarchive,notificationfornewpackages}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [itt] wml://legal/cryptoinmain.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [RFR] po-debconf://console-common/fr.po Christian Perrier
- [VAC] Guilhelm Panaget
- [HOLD] po-debconf://console-setup/fr.po Christian Perrier
- Nuevas Aplicaciones! ComSite Developing
- [TAF] po-debconf://scuttle/fr.po 3u Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po-debconf://textpattern/fr.po 9u Christian Perrier
- [TAF] po-debconf://tipcutils/fr.po 17u Christian Perrier
- [MAJ] po-debconf://zephyr/fr.po 1f Christian Perrier
- [itt] wml://vote/2007/{suppl_003_stats.wml,suppl_003_stats_detailed.wml,vo te_003.wml,vote_003_index.src,vote_003_majority.src,vote_003_quorum. src,vote_003_results.src} Nicolas Bertolissio
- wu-ftpd debconf templates translation updates Chris Butler
- [rfr] wml://devel/debian-installer/News/2007/2007072{0,1}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [VAC] 22/07 -> 05/08 Michel Grentzinger
- [rfr] wml://releases/etch/debian-installer/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [rfr] wml://security/2007/dsa-133{3,4,5}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [itt] wml://international/l10n/ddtp.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [rfr] wml://international/Hebrew.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Please update debconf PO translation for the package mapserver 4.10.2-2 Christian Perrier
[RFR] po-debconf://mod-mono/fr.po Christian Perrier
[BTS#434319] po-debconf://zope-common/fr.po Christian Perrier
The last update was on 18:39 GMT Fri May 24. There are 538 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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