debian-devel Nov 2020 by thread
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- Bug#973531: ITP: sakia -- client for the duniter crypto-currency project Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: Reminder: MiniDebConfOnline, Games Edition Hoai-Nam.NGUYEN
- Bug#973535: ITP: php-league-mime-type-detection -- generic mime-type detection interface for PHP Robin Gustafsson
- CITL Releasing 7000 defects/vulnerabilities Ole Streicher
- Bug#973568: ITP: libpj-java -- API and middleware for parallel programming in Java Pierre Gruet
- Re: Hosting the original youtube-dl sources on salsa? Wouter Verhelst
- Videoconference today, Monday 2020-11-02 18:00 UTC (Was: For those who want to keep on contributing (Was: Debian @ COVID-19 Biohackathon (April 5-11, 2020)) Andreas Tille
- Bug#973606: ITP: ruby-fiber-local -- Provides a class-level mixin to make fiber local state easy Hideki Yamane
- NEW queue almost empty Christian Kastner
- New powerful m68k Debian porterbox available John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#973615: ITP: odc -- Package to read ODB (Observation Database at ECMWF) data Alastair McKinstry
- Bug#973626: ITP: python-i3ipc -- Python library to control i3wm and sway Birger Schacht
- Porter roll call for Debian Bullseye Graham Inggs
- Re: Bug#973637: flag debian/watch files that use older versions of the format Xavier
- Bug#973696: ITP: node-source-map-resolve -- Node module to resolve source map and/or sources for a generated file Xavier Guimard
- Bug#973700: RFP: nodejs-client (?) -- a client for browser's extensions Janusz S. Bień
- ITP: kel-agent -- An agent program for translating between amateur radio installed programs and WebSockets Chris Keller
- Bug#973726: ITP: ring-basic-authentication-clojure -- ring middleware to enforce basic authentication Thomas Goirand
- Bug#973727: ITP: ruby-gh -- multi-layer client for the GitHub API v3 Daniel Leidert
- Bug#973731: ITP: ruby-launchy -- helper class for launching cross-platform applications Daniel Leidert
- Bug#973761: ITP: golang-github-xtls-go -- go library of xTLS Roger Shimizu
- Re: [External] Re: Lenovo discount portal update (and a few other things) Yves-Alexis Perez
- Bug#973795: ITP: hyperborg -- Decentralised and distributed home automation system Nagy Imre
- Bug#973820: ITP: golang-github-moby-term -- utilities for dealing with terminals Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro
- Bug#973822: ITP: dosbox-staging -- DOSBox Staging is a full x86 CPU emulator (independent of host architecture), capable of running DOS programs that require real or protected mode. David Heidelberg
- Bug#973824: ITP: watchtower-clojure -- simple file/directory watcher library Thomas Goirand
- Bug#973828: ITP: golang-github-ianbruene-go-difflib -- partial port of Python difflib package to Go Anthony Fok
- introducing an epoch when reintroducing scala-mode-el to Debian Nicholas D Steeves
- Bug#973841: ITP: callaudiod -- Call audio routing daemon Arnaud Ferraris
- Work-needing packages report for Nov 6, 2020 wnpp
- Bug#971924: ITP: ironseed -- science-fiction exploration/strategy adventure game in space Matija Nalis
- Bug#973860: ITP: callaudiod -- Call audio routing daemon Guido Günther
- Bug#973863: ITP: transit-java -- data format and a libraries for conveying values between applications Thomas Goirand
- Bug#973908: ITP: ruby-android-key-attestation -- android key attestation verification Abraham Raji
- Bug#973916: ITP: rust-libc-print -- Support for println and eprintln in a no_std context Nick Black (Public gmail account)
- Bug#973926: ITP: python-deepmerge -- handle merging of nested data structures in Python Birger Schacht
- Bug#973946: ITP: node-emittery -- Nodejs simple and modern async event emitter Xavier Guimard
- Bug#973954: ITP: node-sane -- Nodejs fast, small, and reliable file system watcher Xavier Guimard
- Bug#973975: ITP: node-prompts -- Nodejs lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts Xavier Guimard
- Bug#973993: ITP: golang-github-profclems-go-dotenv -- A minimalist library for reading and atomically writing .env configuration files in Go TODO
- Bug#973994: ITP: golang-github-profclems-go-dotenv -- A minimalist library for reading and atomically writing .env configuration files in Go TODO
- Bug#974000: ITP: ayatana-settings -- Ayatana Indicators Settings Mike Gabriel
- Bug#974001: ITP: wtype -- xdotool type for wayland Birger Schacht
- Re: [] Key endorsements are live Paul Sutton
- debian names Jérémy Lal
- Mass bugs filing: autopkgtest must be marked superficial Sudip Mukherjee
- doubt with autopkgtest for javascript packages Sudip Mukherjee
- restarting systemd user services on upgrade Norbert Preining
- MBF proposal: remaining users of fltk1.1 (vs. fltk1.3). Aaron M. Ucko
- Bug#974015: ITP: gn -- gn is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja Xialei Qin
- Bug#974047: TAG: devuan-keyring -- GnuPG archive key of the devuan repository Ivan J .
- Bug#974048: ITP: devuan-keyring -- GnuPG archive key of the devuan repository Ivan J .
- Bug#974078: ITP: ruby-azure-storage-common -- ruby package that supports service client libraries for azure storage Abraham Raji
- Bug#974080: ITP: lua-binaryheap -- Binary heap implementation in lua Jakub Ružička
- Re: Updating dpkg-buildflags to enable reproducible=+fixfilepath by default Vagrant Cascadian
- Split Packages files based on new section "buildlibs" Joerg Jaspert
- Bug#974119: ITP: ruby-terser -- Ruby wrapper for Terser JavaScript compressor Vivek K J
- Migration of packages blocked if (Build-)Depends are missing on some test architectures Andreas Tille
- Re: Hurra for an efficient ftpmaster team! Andreas Tille
- Bug#974121: ITP: libcommonmark-perl -- Interface to the CommonMark C library Frédéric Bonnard
- Bug#974126: ITP: libnet-dns-native-perl -- non-blocking system DNS resolver Frédéric Bonnard
- Bug#974141: ITP: fcitx5-chewing -- Chewing support for fcitx5 Yao Wei
- Bug#974156: ITP: ezdxf -- Python package to create and modify DXF drawings Bdale Garbee
- Bug#974160: ITP: scikit-fmm -- Python module which implements the fast marching method Bdale Garbee
- Bug#974161: ITP: openmotor -- internal ballistics simulator for rocket motor experimenters Bdale Garbee
- Bug#974163: ITP: kpeoplevcard -- KPeople vCard plugin for KDE Connect Aurélien COUDERC
- Bug#974165: ITP: vtk9 -- Visualization Toolkit (VTK) version 9 Anton Gladky
- Bug#974213: ITP: seadrive-fuse -- Seafile drive client FUSE daemon Moritz Schlarb
- Bug#974214: ITP: seadrive-gui -- Seafile drive client GUI part Moritz Schlarb
- Bug#974216: ITP: dpdk-kmods -- Microsoft Azure Kusto (Azure Data Explorer) SDK for Python Luca Boccassi
- Bug#974346: ITP: umtp-responder -- Lightweight USB Media Transfer Protocol responder daemon Arnaud Ferraris
- Bug#974419: ITP: meta-mobian -- Mobian -- metapackages for using Debian on mobile devices Arnaud Ferraris
- Bug#974422: ITP: mobian-tweaks -- Generic configuration settings for Mobian Arnaud Ferraris
- Bug#974427: ITP: chance -- It is a Utility library to generate anything random like strings, numbers, etc. jobinjofficial
- Bug#974429: ITP: mobian-plymouth-theme -- Mobian theme for plymouth Arnaud Ferraris
- BinUtils /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL Timothy M Butterworth
- Re: [Artwork] Survey for the default artwork for Bullseye (Debian 11) Yves-Alexis Perez
- Bug#974541: ITP: deepin-gtk-theme -- Deepin Gtk Themes hufeng
- Bug#974547: ITP: golang-github-adam-hanna-arrayoperations -- Small library for performing union, intersect, difference and distinct operations on slices in golang Stephen Gelman
- Bug#974559: ITP: tkagif -- TK Animated GIF encoder Ole Streicher
- Bug#974565: ITP: python-logassert -- Simple log assertion mechanism for Python unittests Inaki Malerba
- Work-needing packages report for Nov 13, 2020 wnpp
- Bug#974636: ITP: tkagif -- TK Animated GIF encoder Ole Streicher
- Bug#974638: ITP: awthemes -- Dark and light themes for Tk, loosely based on the adwaita themes Ole Streicher
- Bug#974696: ITP: reuse -- tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations Stephan Lachnit
- Bug#974734: ITP: filament -- Real-time physically based rendering engine Timo Röhling
- Bug#974753: ITP: golang-honnef-go-tools -- Collection of golang tools and libraries Pirate Praveen
- Bug#974774: ITP: golang-github-alexflint-go-arg -- Struct-based argument parsing in Go Nilesh Patra
- Bug#974798: ITP: ggd-utils -- programs for use in ggd Nilesh Patra
- Bug#974809: ITP: ruby-azure-storage-blob -- access and manage Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Services Abraham Raji
- Bug#974811: ITP: pyqt-distutils -- distutils extension to work with PyQt applications and UI files Bdale Garbee
- Bug#974834: ITP: gsort -- Sort genomic data Nilesh Patra
- Bug#974862: ITP: golang-gocloud -- The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK) Pirate Praveen
- Bug#974864: ITP: nemo-seahorse -- Seahorse plugin and utilities for encryption for Nemo Joshua Peisach
- Bug#974867: ITP: golang-github-minio-md5-simd -- Accelerate aggregated MD5 hashing performance up to 8x for AVX512 and 4x for AVX2. Useful for server applications that need to compute many MD5 sums in parallel. Félix Sipma
- Bug#974879: ITP: intervalstorej -- Java implementation of the Nested Containment List data structure Pierre Gruet
- Bug#974927: ITP: tinyexr -- C++ library to load and save OpenEXR images Timo Röhling
- Bug#974928: ITP: golang-github-thedevsaddam-gojsonq -- A simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data Martina Ferrari
- Bug#974929: ITP: golang-mvdan-xurls -- Extract urls from text Shengjing Zhu
- Bug#974930: ITP: golang-mvdan-gofumpt -- A stricter gofmt Shengjing Zhu
- Bug#974934: RFP: golang-github-ncabatoff-go-seq -- sequence Go values to allow sorting them Guillem Jover
- Bug#974935: RFP: golang-github-ncabatoff-fakescraper -- scrape Prometheus metrics from inside the app Guillem Jover
- A Small Organisation Server as a Debian Pure Blend John Lines
- Re: Debian Policy released Thorsten Glaser
- Re: Bug#974951: RFP: Marker — A gtk3 markdown editor Andrei POPESCU
- Bug#974973: ITP: libcifpp -- A library for creating and manipulating mmCIF and PDB files containing macro molecular structure information Maarten L. Hekkelman
- Bug#975040: ITP: dde-printer -- Deepin Print Manager is a eazy tool to manage printers hufeng
- Bug#975091: ITP: r-cran-lomb -- Computes the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram for unevenly sampled time series. Includes a randomization procedure to obtain reliable p-values. Benjamin Morledge-Hampton
- Bug#975107: ITP:deepin-album -- The album for Deepin Desktop Environment Tu Qinggang
- Bug#975110: ITP: webpackage -- WebPackage is a revolutionary way of distributing web apps. Witherking25
- Bug#975111: ITP: webpackage -- WebPackage is a revolutionary way of distributing web apps. Witherking25
- Still (mostly) around after 25 years Manoj Srivastava
- Bug#975280: ITP: prometheus-mqtt-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for metrics sent via MQTT topics Martina Ferrari
- Work-needing packages report for Nov 20, 2020 wnpp
- Bug#975283: ITP: dde-printer -- Deepin system repair tools hufeng
- Bug#975285: ITP: deepin-repair-tools -- Deepin system repair tools hufeng
- move to merged-usr-only? Ansgar
- Bug#975317: ITP: golang-github-nrdcg-desec -- Go library for accessing the deSEC API. Félix Sipma
- Bug#975341: ITP: golang-github-nbio-st -- st - Simple Test micro-framework for Go Félix Sipma
- Bug#975342: ITP: golang-github-h2non-parth -- Path parsing for segment unmarshaling and slicing. Félix Sipma
- Bug#975345: ITP: golang-gopkg-h2non-gock.v1 -- HTTP traffic mocking and testing made easy in Go Félix Sipma
- Bug#975346: ITP: golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang -- This library implements an Authentication handler for the Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid Authentication scheme Félix Sipma
- Making Linux distro with Debian ajsjajis eihwjshs
- Bug#975363: ITP: giara -- An app for Reddit Joshua Peisach
- Bug#975366: ITP: golang-github-mendersoftware-progressbar -- Minimal progressbar used in Mender projects Lluis Campos
- Bug#975369: ITP: faiss -- library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors Mo Zhou
- Bug#975404: ITP: annotation-detector -- scan class path for annotated classes, methods, or instance variables Bdale Garbee
- ik wil meedoen en een antwoord van een menselijke e-mail accoutn ? Richard
- Library won't link Wouter Verhelst
- Bug#975447: ITP: foonathan-memory -- STL compatible C++ memory allocator library Timo Röhling
- Bug#975495: ITP: gping -- Ping, but with a graph. nicoo
- Is that legal? Türker Tuğra Subaşı
- Bug#975497: ITP: multiplex -- View output of multiple processes, in parallel. nicoo
- Bug#975498: ITP: python-aiostream -- Generator-based operators for asynchronous iteration nicoo
- Bug#975499: ITP: python-easy-ansi -- terminal framework for colors, cursor control movements, and line/box drawing nicoo
- Bug#975500: ITP: python-ansicolors -- Add ANSI colors and decorations to your strings. nicoo
- Bug#975508: ITP: node-yaml -- Nodejs parser and stringifier for YAML standard Xavier Guimard
- Bug#975509: ITP: nbdime -- Jupyter Notebook Diff and Merge tools Joseph Nahmias
- Bug#975510: ITP: deepin-wallpapers -- DDE wallpapers hufeng
- Bug#975513: ITP: libfacedetection -- libfacedetection is an open source library for CNN-based face detection in images Xialei Qin
- Bug#975526: ITP: cif-tools -- Suite of tools to manipulate, validate and query mmCIF files Maarten L. Hekkelman
- Bug#975570: ITP: capbattleship -- Sink your enemy! - A (pretty) pirate battleship board game. Fabien Givors (Debian)
- ITP: wsjtx-go -- Golang binding for the WSJT-X amateur radio software's UDP interface Chris Keller
- ITP: golang-github-leemcloughlin-jdn -- Julian Day Numbers for Golang Go Chris Keller
- Bug#975598: ITP: plasma-systemmonitor -- System monitor for the Plasma desktop Aurélien COUDERC
- Bug#975599: ITP: golang-github-manifoldco-promptui -- Interactive prompt for command-line applications Reinhard Tartler
- Re: MiniDebConf Brasil Online 2020 is comming on this weekend Rogério Theodoro de Brito
- Re: Bug#975595: RFP: pcnfsd -- RPC Server That Supports ONC Clients Andrei POPESCU
- Bug#975627: ITP: fastcdr -- Fast CDR serialization library for DDS Timo Röhling
- Bug#975630: ITP: condure -- HTTP/WebSocket connection manager Jan Niehusmann
- Bug#975675: ITP: python-absl -- Abseil Python Common Libraries Romain Porte
- Bug#975676: ITP: python-gftools -- Google Fonts Tools Romain Porte
- Bug#975688: ITP: qabc -- minimal GUI for ABC music notation Benoît Rouits
- Bug#975691: ITP: tortoize -- Application to calculate ramachandran z-scores. Maarten L. Hekkelman
- Bug#975697: ITP: plasma-disks -- Monitor S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failure in Plasma Aurélien COUDERC
- Bug#975714: ITP: vdeplug-slirp -- libvdeplug plugin for slirp Andrea Capriotti
- Bug#975716: ITP: vdeplug-vlan -- libvdeplug nested plugin: VLAN Andrea Capriotti
- Bug#975717: ITP: vdeplug-agno -- libvdeplug plugin for encryption Andrea Capriotti
- Bug#975719: ITP: vdeplug-pcap -- libvdeplug plugin: packet capture library (pcap) Andrea Capriotti
- Bug#975720: ITP: vdeplug-vdesl -- libvdeplug plugin: vde over serial lines Andrea Capriotti
- Epoch version for golang-github-gomodule-redigo-dev? Michael Prokop
- Bug#975898: ITP: python-psycopg2cffi -- implementation of the psycopg2 module using cffi Thomas Goirand
- Bug#975908: ITP: python-infinity -- All-in-one infinity value for Python. Can be compared to any object. Thomas Goirand
- MariaDB 10.5 has entered Debian testing (will be in Bullseye) Otto Kekäläinen
- Bug#975925: ITP: proxy-vole -- Java library to auto detect the platform network proxy settings Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975930: ITP: finbin -- Hi-speed search for a byte sequence in a big byte array Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975937: ITP: puppet-module-voxpupuli-zabbix -- Puppet module for zabbix Thomas Goirand
- Bug#975938: ITP: jboss-vfs -- JBoss Virtual File System Bdale Garbee
- Work-needing packages report for Nov 27, 2020 wnpp
- Bug#975948: ITP: bigdoc -- java library for search gigabyte order file Roger Shimizu
- pcre2 10.35 uploaded to experimental Matthew Vernon
- Bug#975956: ITP: libmodule-install-substitute-perl -- substitute values into files before install Andrew Ruthven
- Bug#975960: ITP: apk-parser -- Decode binary XML files and get APK meta info Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975964: ITP: uber-pom -- merging maven pom hierarchy parameters Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975971: ITP: jbbp -- comfortable way to work with binary data in Java Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975972: ITP: libmojolicious-plugin-oauth2-perl -- Auth against OAuth2 APIs Frédéric Bonnard
- Bug#975976: ITP: xperia-flashtool -- flashtool for xperia devices Roger Shimizu
- Bug#975983: ITP: opentype-sanitizer -- tool to validate and sanitize OTF/TTF/WOFF/WOFF2 font files Romain Porte
- Bug#975987: ITP: wimsapi -- API to communicate with a WIMS server Georges Khaznadar
- Bug#975991: ITP: lti -- library for the Learning Tools Interperability (LTI) standard Georges Khaznadar
- Bug#976000: ITP: erbium -- Network services for small/home networks Jelmer Vernooij
- Bug#976040: ITP: eprosima-idl-parser -- IDL parser library for eProsima FastDDS Timo Röhling
- Bug#976041: ITP: fastddsgen -- IDL source code generator for eProsima FastDDS Timo Röhling
- Bug#976048: ITP: seatd -- Minimal user, seat and session management daemon Mark Hindley
- ITP:papershaper--automagic wallpaper swapper Devops PK Carlisle LLC
- Re: Bug#976073: sbuild: support "podman" as chroot mode and provide a sbuild-create-oci command (built on top of buildah) Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues
- How to cleanup Ubuntu bugs for my Debian packages? Iustin Pop
- RFC: DEP-14 update, second attempt Paride Legovini
- Debconf - adding "treeselect" type(s)? Steve McIntyre
- Proposed changes to sbuild and debootstrap RhineDevil
- Re: Bug#972674: ITP: toolbox -- Unprivileged container development environment Raphael Hertzog
- Bug#976153: ITP: libcerror -- library for cross-platform C error functions Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro
- Re: deduplicating jquery/ Wookey
- Bug#976174: ITP:papershaper--automagic wallpaper swapper Devops PK Carlisle LLC
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