debian-accessibility Sep 2010 by thread
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Re: [Accessibilite] Re: Bug#596511: ITP: simon -- Open source speech recognition Peter Grasch
Upgrading pkexec to run X11 Orca-accessible applications as root. Bill Cox
ITP: mbrola-{br1,de4,de5,es2,fr1,gr1,us3} -- Voices for Mbrola Samuel Thibault
Freeze exceptions for a bunch of packages Samuel Thibault
Processed: tagging 594872 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: notfound 594872 in 1.43.03-2, found 594872 in 1.44.02 Debian Bug Tracking System
Activation of Speech Dispatcher under squeeze Simon Bienlein
Bug#591717: espeak: Library unble to open soundcard. Gilles Casse
[ possible accessibility track at FOSDEM] Samuel Thibault
Speakup not being added to /etc/modules Tony Baechler
java-access-bridge no longer working? Mario Lang
Help about multilib Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Bug#598132: gdm3: Should beep or permit to configure a beep Samuel Thibault
Bug#598133: gdm3: Should provide shortcuts and configuration snippets to enable accessibility Samuel Thibault
Processing of cicero_0.7.2-1_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
cicero_0.7.2-1_amd64.changes is NEW Debian FTP Masters
unable to log into gdm3 after reboot Kenny Hitt
midnight commander Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
a11y: pulseaudio muted in squeeze by default Halim Sahin
The last update was on 18:01 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 238 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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