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Re: [Accessibilite] Re: Bug#596511: ITP: simon -- Open source speech recognition

 Hi Bill!

Am 2010-09-12 21:43, schrieb Bill Cox:
Hi, Peter.  I'm not all that good at packaging myself yet, but I do
want to help with simon.
That would be great. Maybe you can get write access to that git repo Samuel mentioned if you don't have it already.
   I tried, but was unable to build a version
myself that did not require the user to download HTK source code.
Assuming you've done that separation, I would be very glad to get
Simon into Vinux for testing.
The HTK was never a build time dependency so I am a bit confused by this one. But yes, simon 0.3 supports base models which eliminates the need for the HTK in many use cases. Have a look here: http://www.simon-listens.org/wiki/index.php/Licensing#simon_is_functional_without_the_HTK

This is also important info, btw. if license concerns arise:
I've also been doing some crash-learning on speech-recognition and TTS
technology.  I'm hoping I can help improve the state of open source SR
and TTS, and the Simon project looks like a winner to me.
I'm very much looking forward to your participation!

Best regards,

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