debian-mips Nov 2001 by thread
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woody on malta - couldn't download slang1 Petko Manolov
debian-mips on the Cobalt RaQ2 cbeams
woody install on SG Indy IP22 MIPS system Gavin Grieve
Indy/I2 bootloader: arcboot Guido Guenther
Booting debian on mipsel custom kernel 2.4.0 Paul Kasper
[PATCH] make-kpkg for mipsel Guido Guenther
XFree configs & 76Hz Bill Huey
ls, tar, make for debian-mipsel cbeams
mips-tools deb Guido Guenther
Unidentified subject! Guido Guenther
Re: Freeze Update [2001/11/19] Karsten Merker
Deskstation Tyne Zach Lowry
Bug#120383: glibc-2.2.4-6 does not build on mipsel Karsten Merker
New gpm Debian package with DECstation support available Karsten Merker
Debian install On Indy + Indigo and Java Station Elgar, Jeremy
Bug#120656: RFA: delo -- The DECStation boot loader Gergely Nagy
Philips Nino pre-compiled kernel image available... Steven J. Hill
Mozilla & Indy (and other stuff) Krzysztof Krzyzaniak
gimp, gnome, libgtk-perl, etc, etc Anthony Towns
success installing debian-mips (r4k-ip22) Florian Lohoff
failed installation debian-mipsel (Decstation 5000/150) Florian Lohoff
installed on indy Greg MATTHEWS
Re: Problems with R5k Stephen Frost
The last update was on 07:45 GMT Mon May 13. There are 114 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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