debian-java Oct 2002 by subject

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Re: About j2sdk1.3 Access to LANG var from Java programs? After an upgrade Java doesnt work anymore Re: Automatic classpath extension (was: JNI Installation Directories) blackdown jdk and current sid libc6 (2.3.x) Bug#165324: libservlet2.3-java: Adding the web-app and jasper's dtd's Bug#166370: java-common: Virtual packages "jar" and "javadoc" building eclipse on testing/unstable fails .deb files for JAVA 1.4 debs for JDE 2.2.9 beta? Desperately Trying To Install J2RE 1.3.1 or J2SDK 1.3.1 eclipse packages Experimental Package for Prevayler gcj and --classpath Gideon/Debian and KDE Java programming Haftalik Bulten Help installing SDK+JRE IBMjava2 sdk/jre JAva 1.4 java-compiler useless? java-ignorant question JNI Installation Directories JNI Installation Directories (again) JSP doesn't run under Debian Re: JVM Registry (was: CLASSPATH and Jikes) Kaffee to be removed (was: Debian Weekly News - 2002-10-29) Kdevelop and java lib-rxtx-java package Re: libsax-java Re: libsax-java, was Re: EJB in jakarta project mod_jk Not yet a policy proposal but... Ok, I'm back. I hope. probleme with the accents remove shared object error State of 1.4 debian packages? stripping .class files of debug info Re: Suggestion for javadoc building tomcat 4, mod_jk Tomcat NoClassDefFoundError two jars in java unsubscribe very Large memory java jobs Where is the j2se-common that java2 needs?? which libc6 ? Woody with J2SDK 1.4.1 and German Umlauts The last update was on 16:56 GMT Wed May 01. There are 149 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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