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Re: Access to LANG var from Java programs?

0> In article <[🔎] 200210070909.22652.egonw@sci.kun.nl>,
0> E. L. Willighagen <URL:mailto:egonw@sci.kun.nl> ("Egon") wrote:

Egon> working on internationalizing some OS Java tools, I was wondering
Egon> how to access bash export variables, one specific being LANG...
Egon> The method System.getProperty() seems only to handle things like
Egon> "-Dlang=en_EN" as a command line option, and yes, the wrapper
Egon> could as such transfer the $LANG value to the Java program.
Egon> But, is there no more direct way of accessing the $LANG var from
Egon> within the Java program itself?

Locale.getDefault() works for me:

$ LANG=en_GB java LocaleTest
$ LANG=en_IE java LocaleTest

Here's the code:

public final class LocaleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

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