Re: After an upgrade Java doesnt work anymore
Did either of you upgrade to lic6 2.3.1 recently?
Exactly. My other debian has still the libc6 2.2.5 and the both j2sdk
(1.3/1.4) work fine.
All Blackdown j2se < 1.4 beta are knonw to fail with libc6 >= 2.3.1.
With the new libc6, the both j2sdk (1.3/1.4) _seems_ to broken.
Downgrade libc6 or
install the 1.4 beta by hand for now.
I've tried this nigth to downgrade the libc6 but I didn't found the
right deb packages (libc6_2.2.5-15_i386.deb and the dependencies) on the
debian mirrors that I've visited.
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