Re: About j2sdk1.3
Seeing as this comes up on a regular basis, I'll send the response to
debian-java as well....
>>>>> "yoros" == yoros <> writes:
yoros> I don't find j2se-common package, where can I find it? I
yoros> think j2sdk1.3 and j2re1.3 are not well-packaged. If the
yoros> bug is corrected yet, where can I find the good packages?
If you are using my .debs from the Blackdown mirrors, you need to have
the following in sources.list:
http://your.favourite.backdown.mirror/pub/java unstable main non-free
Without the main entry in addition to non-fee, you won't find all the
packages you need.
"If I claimed I was emporer just cause some moistened bint lobbed a
scimitar at me they'd put me away"
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