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RE: java-ignorant question

Hi back!

>My hope was that someone knowledgeable would be able to tell me what
>the errors mean. 

I'll give it a try, hope it's usefull...

>[javac] error: compiler message file broken:
>key=compiler.err.sun.io.MalformedInputException arguments=null, null,
>null, null, null, null, null

This is a weird thing I encountered only once before. Then, it
had to do with locale settings, the compiler did choose the
wrong file encoding. It seems that it tries to find information
in the environment-variable "file.encoding" and if it doesn't find
something usefull, it uses iso-8859-1. Maybe you may want to override
the variable and try again.

> [javac]
> /home/matt/test/mir/source/mircoders/module/ModuleBreaking.java:66:
> mir.storage.StorageObject is not public in mir.storage; cannot be
>accessed from outside package
> [javac] public ModuleBreaking (StorageObject theStorage)
> [javac] ^
> [javac]

This seems to be an error in the sources. Check the file StorageObject
in src/mir/storage and look for the word "class" (should be somewhere
at the upper end of the file). If there is the word "public" in front
of it, it's strange. If not, the person who has written the code 
probably made a mistake and you should ask it about how to fix it.
If the word is there, it can also be a compiler issue, maybe you want
to try out another compiler?
(I had the case that suns compiler for linux interpreted the 
language-specs differently from blackdown for linux).

Hope this helps,

have a nice day!


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