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Re: JNI Installation Directories (again)


I want people to second this wishlist so I can add it.



// Ola

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 10:45:59AM +1000, Ben Burton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi.  Regarding my proposal on Oct 5 for a common JNI library directory, there 
> don't seem to have been any complaints that I'm aware of.
> For this proposal to be implemented, it seems to me it needs:
> 1) The appropriate additions to java policy;
> 2) Updates for the various JVMs to include /usr/lib/jni in the default library 
> search path;
> 3) Updates for the various JNI packages to place their modules in 
> /usr/lib/jni.
> Particularly (2) and (3) look like they could take some time, so I'd be happy 
> to begin working on this now.
> It seems to me that (3) won't be able to take place until (2) is under control 
> since we want JNI packages to work once they move their modules to 
> /usr/lib/jni.  I've done all I can with (1), which is to post the proposal to 
> this list for review and file a wishlist bug against java-common.
> So it seems the best thing to do from my (non-JVM-maintainer) perspective is 
> to start filing wishlist bugs against the various JVMs for (2) and to help 
> out with corresponding runtime wrapper scripts if necessary.  Does anyone 
> mind if I start on this?
> I know the proposal hasn't been accepted into java policy yet; this is why I 
> plan to file wishlist bugs.  The reason I want to start now is that policy 
> updates seem to take a long time (which I'm not complaining about btw), and 
> given that nobody seems to have objected to the original proposal it might be 
> worth starting on (2) now so that, assuming the proposal does get accepted, 
> the groundwork is ready to begin (3) when the policy update takes place.
> Ben.
> - -- 
> Ben Burton
> benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
> Public Key: finger bab@db.debian.org
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> their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
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