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tomcat 4, mod_jk

Hi there,

I hope this is the right list -- let me know if I should be sending
this to debian-user.  

I have an instance of Tomcat 4.0.4 (the testing package) running on my
almost-all-woody machine. On its own tomcat seems to work fine, but as
far as I can make out it doesn't interact at all with
apache. libapache-mod-jk is installed, but while trouble shooting I
noticed my copy of mod_jk.conf is empty.  here's the ll:

anarres:/usr/local/Mir/WEB-INF/log# ll /var/lib/tomcat/conf
total 0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            0 Apr 24 07:08 mod_jk.conf

is this normal?  and if not, where do I get a new one?  which package
sets it up?  

It'd be great if y'all could help -- I'd like to get this projectm
oving forward.  thanks loads,

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