debian-edu Aug 2004 by thread
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Re: Upgrading from 1.0 is asking lots of questions p . carsten
xdebconfigurator localisation (Re: Bug#240721: localisation set during install is not active afterwards) C. Gatzemeier
Samba: NETOGON/netlogin.bat Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Bug#263407: xdebconfigurator: german keyboard not set up correctly Christian Gatzemeier
AND - auto nice deamon Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Re: Skolelinux download problems Knut Yrvin
Re: CVS update: src/build/CD buglist.html Andreas Schuldei
Issues with missing default Windows user and groups in Venus' Samba. Jarle Osmund Vågen
Re: LVM Tools / GUI Petter Reinholdtsen
Proposed stable update: locale-config-skolelinux Petter Reinholdtsen
Yes, I will participate in the developer gathering Aug 27-29 or Sept 3-5 2004 Petter Reinholdtsen
Heading for two conferences (EuroFoo and CDD Workshop) Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: Please update the translating for debian-edu-install Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: "Developer Declaration of Independence" Petter Reinholdtsen
Re: Linux for Schools Petter Reinholdtsen
debian-edu_0.800_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.638_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.638_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Processing of debian-edu-config_0.394_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-config_0.394_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Developer gathering in Norway Aug 20. -22., 27.-29., or Sept 3.-5. Knut Yrvin
Re: cerebrum debian-edu/skolelinux integration Petter Reinholdtsen
Using tasksel features (Was: an idea for debian-edu tasks) Andreas Tille
Q: How to configure LTSP for individual TC hardware Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Re: English skolelinux users mailing list etc Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Weekly report week 32, Knut Yrvin Knut Yrvin
weekly report week 32 Joey Hess
Contacting Xandros? Andreas Tille
Debian-Edu in Malaysia? Andreas Tille
Re: Italian Language Coordinator Knut Yrvin
Packages we should push into Debian Petter Reinholdtsen
Q: Cups on Tjener without X and Postscript ? Ralf Gesel|ensetter
unsubscibe dan.lab
Please translate debian-edu-install debconf templates Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#265023: debian-edu-install: [INTL:ja] Japanese debconf message Kenshi Muto
Processed: added translation Debian Bug Tracking System
Basic webmin training or Translation of Erik Faarlund
Tux Paint translations Bill Kendrick
Translation of Driftsbok to English. Gavin McCullagh
user password procedures. Jarle Osmund Vågen
I suggest a new title on the "Driftsbok" Knut Yrvin
Flashplugin-nonfree version 6 gives error torsted
md5sums wrong? Stefan Padberg
Bug#265581: [l10n] Initial Czech translation of debian-edu-install debconf messages Miroslav Kure
Re: Opensource learning management systems Knut Yrvin
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.639_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.639_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
debian-edu-install_0.639_i386.changes REJECTED Debian Installer
Processed: new czech translation Debian Bug Tracking System
weekly report week 33 Joey Hess
Bug#265825: debian-edu-install: [INTL:da] Updated Danish Debconf-po translation Claus Hindsgaul
Difference between woody and woody-test CD Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#265841: debian-edu-install: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation Christian Perrier
Proposed stable update: debian-edu-config (0.393 -> 0.394) Petter Reinholdtsen
Proposed stable update: task-skolelinux (0.764.skolelinux.154 -> 0.764.skolelinux.156) Petter Reinholdtsen
Processed: commited debian-edu-install translations to cvs Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: About Turkish support Petter Reinholdtsen
localization-config uploaded (former locale-config-skolelinux) Konstantinos Margaritis
Re: Please update debian-edu-install translation Guillem Jover
Unreadable pdf-jpg-png Skolelinux documentation under WinXp Athena - Joe Scaramucci
Yes, I will participate in the developer gathering Aug 27-29 Gavin McCullagh
Access to Alioth CVS ? Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Yes, I will participate in the developer gathering Aug 27 - 29 Sven Harald Klein Bakke
Bug 807 (double SIDs) Patrick Willam
new docs on Skolelinux site Gavin McCullagh
Weekly report week 33, Knut Yrvin Knut Yrvin
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.640_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.640_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
LTSP 3/4 XServer and old monitors Gavin McCullagh
Spelling errors in arkitektur.en.pot Konstantinos Margaritis
List of possible XkbModel entries per locale Konstantinos Margaritis
wlus 1.3-16 available Andreas Schuldei
mapping directories to win clients, base on groupmembership. Jarle Osmund Vågen
Floppy "Steffen Jöris"
failing "apt-get install dpt-raidutil" due to wrong build-version Ralf Gesel|ensetter
Problem with webmin version 1.150-0.skolelinux.1 Petter Reinholdtsen
NX packages Peter Rockai (mornfall)
"Running a Successful Open Source Project" Petter Reinholdtsen
Status for Sarge-based Skolelinux? Harald Thingelstad
Rome Connections? Ralf Gesel|ensetter / Drupal (was Re: A new version of The Linux Signpost has been released) Ralf Gesel|ensetter
SSL/TLS and certificate generation/handling in debian-edu (bug 571) Herman Robak
Weekly report week 34, plans for week 35 Knut Yrvin
Will investigate Microsoft's dominance in schools Knut Yrvin
Questions about translating skolelinux po files Konstantinos Margaritis
DESA-2004-012 - samba: buffer overruns Morten Werner Olsen
Processed: This is a localization issue, not an x config issue Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of debian-edu-install_0.641_i386.changes Archive Administrator
debian-edu-install_0.641_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Re: FET-tablix-intime-schooltool Liviu Lalescu
Processing of xdebconfigurator_1.09_i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#253622: marked as done (Missing perl dependency) Debian Bug Tracking System
xdebconfigurator_1.09_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Suggested solutions to certificate handling/generation for server/clients using SSL/TLS. Herman Robak
DESA-2004-013 - libpng: several vulnerabilities Morten Werner Olsen
DESA-2004-014 - kdelibs: symlink integrity Morten Werner Olsen
Skolelinux ismentioned on this article from KDE News. Jarle Osmund Vågen
weekly report week 34, 35 Joey Hess
Weekly report week 35, plans for week 36 -> Knut Yrvin
squid ACLs and LDAP Gavin McCullagh
EU IDA: OSS Competence Workshop Proceedings Knut Yrvin
Localization-config uploaded, 2 strings for translation Konstantinos Margaritis
The last update was on 09:55 GMT Sat May 04. There are 281 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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