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Weekly report week 35, plans for week 36

since i did not post any plans for last week, i can proudly say
that i managed to reach all my goals 110%. (c:

this is what happend:
- I designed and started implementing the test suite for wlus.
  some thoughts/wishes of what it should do and how it should
  work can be found in the README.testsuite in cvs:
- we (roland and i) managed to install and configure (a bit)
  openafs.  we also ate lunch with mikan@d.o, who has several
  years of experience in running afs as an admin at KTH. This
  meeting was very interesting and educational, since it
  illustrated that running afs is partly unlike nfs and takes
  some getting used to. It would be adviceable to get someone
  with afs expertise involved in integrating it for debian-edu.
  Mikael offered to come to an other lunch meeting with some
  friends from KTH, who are heimdal and/or afs developers.  The
  university of Umeå/sweden runs heimdal and afs on top of
  debian.  they could help, perhaps.
- hacked on wlus and fixed some bugs. a new release is imminent.
- looked at http://www.csszengarden.com and looked a bit into how
  to use stylesheets to simplify and unify wlus and the other
  debian-edu webmin modules.

plans for week 36:
- release a new wlus
- work on the testsuite
- extent the small programming jobs to include the css project
- compile a new kernel for my workstation to be able to use
  afs on it and debug the usb subsystem, which dies regularly.

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