debian-backports Mar 2014 by thread
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cardpeek Pierre Rudloff
init-system-helpers blocks libvirt-bin Rubén González
phonon-backend-vlc: Incompatible with vlc in wheezy-backports Rubén González
Request Backport: Thunar 1.6.3 O. Emmerson
tgt_1.0.17-1.1~bpo70+1_amd64.changes REJECTED Alexander Wirt
tomcat7_7.0.52-1~bpo70+1_amd64.changes REJECTED Alexander Wirt
Bug#741925: syncmaildir: Protocol version mismatch for minor releases?! Cyril Brulebois
Backporting debomatic for Wheezy intrigeri
Bug#742042: RFS: dynamips/0.2.11-1~bpo70+1 Daniel Lintott
Bug#742050: RFS: gns3/0.8.6-3~bpo70+1 Daniel Lintott
Review of GNS3 and Dynamips for backports Daniel Lintott
3.13.0 kernel package not available in wheezy-backports Corey Velan
Mutt for oldstable Henrik Ahlgren
tt-rss wheezy-backport alberto fuentes
Backport: wget issue Michael Romero
backports dist-upgrade issue (udev breaks consolekit) Olivier Langella
Crash with XBMC from backports Julius Schwartzenberg
Re: nvidia-kernel-dkms: fails to work with kernel 3.13 Jan Wagner
ipvsadm backport for wheezy Schöke, Karsten
vsftpd backport from Jessie to Wheezy Torbjørn Thorsen
emacs24 for wheezy-backports Balint Reczey
keepalived backport for wheezy ? "Clément Hermann (nodens)"
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