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Re: tt-rss wheezy-backport

On 03/20/2014 05:25 AM, alberto fuentes wrote:
> i backported tt-rss to wheezy. It involved backporting prototype-js
> and phpqrcode as dependencies
> ...
> Ive using it for 10 days now without a problem
> ...
> I contacted maintainer 9 days ago without an answer
Sabastian Reichel is around, he always shows up when there is a new
version of tt-rss.
In the mean time, is there anything you can do to help address those
Lintian warnings?
I was hoping there might be a way to address some of those Lintian
warnings (http://mentors.debian.net/package/tt-rss)  and get at least a
couple of those handled in testing/unstable as well as the backport.

I'll add that I've been running tt-rss 1.11, installed from upstream
source, on Wheezy for months without any problems.  It definitely is a
very good backporting candidate.  ( i'm an uploader for liferea which
can work as a user front-end for tt-rss).

I'd like to work with you getting tt-rss backported to Wheezy, so let me
know if there's anything I can do. I'll start with looking at those
lintian warnings and seeing if I can figure out if it's possible to
address them for testing/unstable so that they won't also end up in a

The other thing on my mind is the updater that ships with tt-rss.  I
noticed that if you try to use it, it tends to break the package in
Debian such that tt-rss doesn't work anymore.  I'm not sure if the
updater is shipped with the tt-rss package in Debian (haven't tried it
in months), but if it is, maybe we can find a way to disable it so it's
not so easy for a user to accidentally break the tt-rss package. Of
course that doesn't stop somebody from downloading tt-rss from upstream,
running the updater in that,  and then breaking the installed package of
tt-rss in Debian that way.  It's one of those things that I've been
trying for months to figure out a good solution for, and haven't come up
with any yet.

-David Smith (Liferea uploader)

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