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Re: Creating a new named official debian repository for OpenStack backports (Uploading all of OpenStack to backports)

On 03/12/2014 01:45 AM, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>> That's exactly what I have been told isn't good, and I agree with this
>> view. Debian packages should be hosted by Debian, and completely be part
>> of it. Anything hosted outside is unofficial, and a sad situation that
>> needs to be IMO fixed.
> While, as a general rule, it would be preferable to have such packages
> entirely within Debian, it sounds like there are currently some challenges to
> making this happen. It presently isn't a good fit.
> While I probably would agree with the reasons, what exactly are your reasons it
> "isn't good" to host on external infrastructure?
> The first one I can think of is a trust path, but that's easily solved with an
> openstack-archive-keyring package within Debian, as several other debian
> related projects have done: 
>   debian-edu-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
>   debian-ports-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
>   emdebian-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository
>   pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys for the Debian Mozilla team package repository
>   ubuntu-archive-keyring - GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive

Oh, nice! I didn't think about this. I probably will do it, thanks a lot
for the suggestion.

> Another issue would be buildd infrastructure, if you needed multiple obscure
> architectures... how important is that for openstack?

It'd be nice to have at least i386 and ARM both of which I do not
support currently. I could work-out some i386 builds, but I don't think
it's worth my time when all of this could be automated. How hard is it
btw, to build my own buildd infra?

> Would it be within reason to host it on alioth or people.debian.org or some
> other Debian infrastructure? How much disk space does a full suite of
> openstack backports take?

It currently takes 408MB (just checked). I wouldn't host it on Alioth,
because it's currently located only in UK at bytemark, which goes
through tinet.net to reach China. That's a quite horrible connectivity
for me, making it hard to work with. Also, that's only a single mirror
vs 10 spread around the world currently. So hosting the package
repository on Alioth wouldn't be convenient and practical for me.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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