debian-user Nov 2021 by thread
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- Re: choice of web browsers songbird
- Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs? Eric S Fraga
- mount.ecryptfs_private in .xsession with autologin Lucio Crusca
- Can't connect bluetooth headset after resent update (testing) Олександр Скоропад
- Re: Man pages for gcc Nicholas Geovanis
- [AMD/ATI graphic chipset][OpenCL] new ROCm 4.5 reportedly easier to install/uninstall didier gaumet
- which package is good for making poster lina
- install avogadro with qt4 lina
- Re: replacement of sqsh for debian 11 Michael Castellon
- Graphic rendering problem lina
- Re: what is the best package to design the layout of the house deloptes
- Re: Mutt can not delete mails David Wright
- Re: Issue with kernel 5.10.0-9-*? David Wright
- Trying to setup obexd but Operation not permitted deloptes
- Re: Getting Bullseye's VLC to read/play H265 videos Michael Castellon
- bluetooth audio Luis Mochan
- how to update the DirectX/OpenGL driver lina
- Unidentified subject! list
- Re: Is "Debian desktop environment" identical to "GNOME" upon installation? Alejandro Colomar (man-pages)
- Re: [Sid] Firefox problem Grzesiek
- clean Bullseye install, display disappears after "loading initial ramdisk" Mark Copper
- unkown root password and mkdir problem. Thomas George
- No DNS in Fedora Podman image on Debian 11 Francois Gouget
- why i can't play video at some web site? Long Wind
- Purchase Debian Linux subscript LI, Mark
- Re: Demande d'assistance / Request for help [configure for Nagios] Andrew M.A. Cater
- Monthy FAQ for Debian-user mailing list Andrew M.A. Cater
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Emanuel Berg
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix didier gaumet
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Stefan Monnier
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix David Wright
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Curt
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Nicholas Geovanis
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Stefan Monnier
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Nicholas Geovanis
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Stefan Monnier
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Curt
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Stefan Monnier
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix David Wright
- Re: [OT, deeply] Guix Stefan Monnier
- [SOLVED] Change root subvolume on btrfs piorunz
- Re: Can we discuss! FWS BHC
- Occasional failure of X to start Richmond
- Following Pipewire developments Yoann LE BARS
- Looking for Brasero testers on Debian Testing for bug 998718 Thomas Schmitt
- Debian version Koler, Nethanel
- Package: nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver lina
- Install debian on USB-stick Sim Sim
- Recs for new Linux laptop? (to replace Zareason) Tom Browder
- ALSA device names. peter
- downgrade qt version from 5 to 4 lina
- Re: release date on website with notes Joost van Baal-Ilić
- Service stuck at shutdow Erwan David
- Package for video on fujitsu laptop? Klas Hultqvist
- Problem with Synaptic Stephen P. Molnar
- How to secure access to SD cards a la USBGuard? hdv@gmail
- akonadi - problems and more Hans
- Re: VMWare Horizon Client has glitchy graphics after update to Bullseye Luiz Romário Santana Rios
- No video after boot Paul M. Foster
- libc-bin on one good, on the other report of a bug........ Charlie
- Mouse locator Richard Forst
- Where do I find the definitive man page for mdadm? Gene Heskett
- [semi-OT] create playlist for android Pol Hallen
- set the number of inodes during FS creation via pressed phoebus phoebus
- why autoremove doesn't work Long Wind
- rsync failing to back up to synology server Sharon Kimble
- Dcopserver not loading Ken Heard
- preseeding Bullseye André Rodier
- PAM two factors authentication André Rodier
- How to debug Yubikey communication Kamil Jońca
- processor compatibility deutsch_danya
- why Debian? Thanos Katsiolis
- obsolete content in 'Debian NEW and BYHAND Packages'? Patrice Duroux
- Use one of many second factors authentication on PAM André Rodier
- Re: Up-to-date Bullseye, Power Save turned Samsung T55 Monitor off. Couldn't wake it up Kenneth Parker
- Debian 11 Malick Abaidia
- Debian testing is very slow on statup (boot), after upgrade to bookworm Marcelo Laia
- Update Debian 9 to Debian 11 Thanos Katsiolis
- Re: Debian 9 on H410 hardware / Upgraded to 11 - Zenity width quirk Allen Hoover
- How to cause a process started in .xsessionrc to terminate with x-session termination? Arkadiusz Dabrowski
- Late encryption of /home Partition Klaus Singvogel
- Buster (oldstable) install image Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside
- A_Man_Without_Clue
- Simple way to scann all incoming and outgoing e-mails for viruses john doe
- installation catch 22 jashebert
- Why can I not uninstall this package? Tim Woodall
- Re: Why can I not uninstall this package? (fwd) Tim Woodall
- How to rotate screen AND input (consistently) riveravaldez
- reportbug fail Lee
- Sound Gunnar Gervin
- Sounds disappeared Gunnar Gervin
- If the variable has its 'integer' attribute set, sim sim
- Volume control disabled? Gunnar Gervin
- Sounds Gunnar Gervin
- nginx mail proxy Gokan Atmaca
- Offtopic: Transfer a programm from DOS to Linux Hans
The last update was on 15:40 GMT Tue Nov 23. There are 538 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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