debian-gis Jan 2014 by thread
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Request to join pkg-grass project Ivan Mincik
Packages stuck in Build-Needed for experimental Sebastiaan Couwenberg
Could not search pkg-grass packages at Ivan Mincik
Packaging of pg_comparator Ivan Mincik
Re: Upgrading pg-comparator Ivan Minčík
License compatibility between OGC works and Debian Sebastiaan Couwenberg
pg_comparator updated to new upstream version Ivan Minčík
Re: Packaging java gis software for ubuntu/debian Jody Garnett
Re: Second round (Was: Packages maintained by Debian Science maintainers but missing in tasks files) Andreas Tille
Fwd: Saga 2.1.1 - debhelper9 - multiarch Johan Van de Wauw
libepsilon mini transition Sebastiaan Couwenberg
packaging geotools Johan Van de Wauw
RFS with DM permission: narray-miss, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-netcdf Youhei SASAKI
Bug#736338: drawmap: New upstream version available Andreas Tille
Next package in the long not maintained list: avce00 Andreas Tille
Next package in the long not maintained list: mkgmap Andreas Tille
Updated libcitygml for GDAL and OpenSceneGraph transitions Sebastiaan Couwenberg
Improved git commit notifications using new git-commit-notice Sebastiaan Couwenberg
The last update was on 16:27 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 95 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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