debian-events-eu Jun 2003 by thread
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Re: status update LT 2003 CD Sven Hoexter
Re: status update LT 2003 CD Christian Weerts
Re: status update LT 2003 CD Alexander Schmehl
Re: LinuxTag::Description::Debian Gerfried Fuchs
Re: Debian Day @ LinuxTag 2003 Andreas Tille
[ Refernten gesucht für Debian-Konferenz] Martin Schulze
LinuxTag 2003 - Ports Booth Sebastian Raible
Info Algérie Alger
[ Re: status update LT 2003 CD] Michael Bramer
[ Re: status update LT 2003 CD] Michael Bramer
[ Re: Re: status update LT 2003 CD] Michael Bramer
Symposium: "Trusted Computing Group" (TCG) Andreas Tille
Update CD-Covers Christian Weerts
ExporTECH ExporTech
LinuxTag -> Debcamp/Debconf car trip. Sven Luther
Northern Europe travel info Enrico Zini
[LT Infomail#2] Booths, Network, Insurance - Debian Martin Schulze
[ coding marathon] Martin Schulze
Proposed Schedule for the Debian Day Martin Schulze
[ EU Software Patent Events 2003/06-7] Jama Poulsen
cheap lodgings? hauke
LT2k3, Searching for a car Joerg Jaspert
未承諾広告*5億9千万円収入証拠から3億円へ一歩 5億9千万円証拠有ビジネス
Schedule for the Debian Day Martin Schulze
Booth planning hauke
Debian CDs, games and german law hauke
Deadline Lt2k3-CD Michael Bramer
LT and T-Shirts Michael Bramer
Debian @ LSM (again) Benj. Mako Hill
Booth for LinuxWorldExpo (Frankfurt) Alexander Schmehl
Test the CD Martin Schulze
CD-Covers - last reviews! Christian Weerts
Re: Going from LinuxTag to DebConf Moray Allan
Software Patents in Europe - May conference + update Wookey
LT CD and FreeCraft Sven Hoexter
LSM Metz (Re: Bits from the DPL (travel & conferences)) Andreas Tille
Congress of the European Webmasters Association in Nuremberg, Germany Dr. Thorsten Schneider
FYI: Practical Linux, Giessen, October 11th Alexander Schmehl
LinuxTag 2003-Info Andreas Mueller
Posters for the Debian-Booth Jan-Hendrik Palic
Debconf3: When was registration closed ? Gregor Hoffleit
Traveling by car from Karlsruhe to Oslo Enrico Zini
can somebody set our booth status? hauke
Fwd: Plan Andreas Müller
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Plan Andreas Mueller
Hardwarelist Andreas Müller
Re: Hardwarelist Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Re: Hardwarelist Sven Luther
Re: Hardwarelist Federico Hernandez
booth-update Andreas Mueller
Going from Karsruhe to Frankfuhrt/Hahn? Joachim Breitner
Debian Birthday Party Martin Schulze
Some room left in a car from Oslo to Germany? Joachim Breitner
[LT Infomail#3] WLAN, Press, Lifts, Social Event - Debian Martin Schulze
Check in time to AKK on wednesday hauke
fu Andreas Mueller
[OT] Help MagicPoint - fonts are completely broken (Bug #198994) Andreas Tille
The last update was on 20:19 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 330 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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