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Re: LinuxTag - 2003

Martin Schulze wrote:

> Comments about the attached files which I hacked together quickly.

Looks ok. Given the fact that the plastic jackets will be 90x54, I
needed to adjust the size a bit, but that's no real problem.

I thought about how these nameplates would look if the Debian swirl
was on the left instead of the right side, thanks goes to Joern
Heissler for changing the .tex-file to make it look that way (see
atachment, comments welcome).

However, I am also okay with Joey's proposal. I hope I'll be able
to bring my laptop to LT, additionally i'll bring some spare jackets.
So if more are needed at the booth, we will have no problems to
create them (if we manage to find a printer, but that shouldn't be
a real problem, I hope)

  .''`.   Martin Loschwitz           Debian GNU/Linux developer
 : :'  :  madkiss@madkiss.org        madkiss@debian.org
 `. `'`   http://www.madkiss.org/    people.debian.org/~madkiss/
   `-     Use Debian GNU/Linux 3.0!  See http://www.debian.org/

Attachment: badges2.ps.gz
Description: Binary data


% Seitenzahlen unterdruecken

\def\kartenbreite{90}% mm
\def\kartenhoehe{54}% mm

\unitlength 1mm
% Schnittmarken definieren
  % senkrechte Linien
  % waagerechte Linien

% Eigentliche Visitenkarte mit neuen Koordinaten
%  \put(0,0){\framebox(88,50){~}} % Rahmen

    \centerline{\textbf{\LARGE Debian-Projekt}}


%  \put(2,2){\parbox[t]{84mm}{
%    \centerline{\scriptsize\it
%     Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen
%     und Software e.\,V.}}}

%  \put(2,18){\parbox[t]{35mm}{
%    \flushleft
%    \scriptsize\rm
%    FFIS e.\,V.\\
%    Am Zollbaum 7\\
%    26\,129 Oldenburg
%  }}

%  \put(51,18){\parbox[t]{35mm}{
%    \flushright
%    \scriptsize\rm
%    Mail: info@ffis.de\\
%    http://www.ffis.de/\\
%    Fax: +49~441~777884
%  }}


% Name
% Ressort
% eMail
\unitlength 1mm
  \put(40,27){\parbox[b]{5cm}{\bf{\Large #2}}}
  \put(40,14){\parbox[b]{7cm}{\bf{\LARGE #1}}}
%      eMail: joey@infodrom.org

% \newcommand{\visitenkarten}[3]{
%   \clearpage
%   \unitlength 1mm
%   \begin{picture}(0,0)
%   \multiput(-50,-40)(0,-60){4}{\karte{#1}{#2}{#3}}
%   \multiput(50,-40)(0,-60){4}{\karte{#1}{#2}{#3}}
%   \end{picture}
% }

    \put( 50,-40){\karte{#1}{#2}}
    \put( 50,-100){\karte{#1}{#2}}
    \put( 50,-160){\karte{#1}{#2}}
    \put( 50,-220){\karte{#1}{#2}}

    % Need to start a new page as well



\unitlength 1mm


\badge{Ahmet Akilli}{}
\badge{Alexander Schmehl}{Tolimar}
\badge{Alexander Wirt}{formorer}
\badge{Andreas Müller}{amu}
\badge{Andreas Tille}{}
\badge{Arne Wichmann}{Y\_Plentyn}
\badge{Ayman Negm}{XSnack}
\badge{Daniel K. Gebhart}{con-fuse}
\badge{Eduard Bloch}{Zomb}
\badge{Fabio Massimo Di Nitto}{fabionne}
\badge{Gergely Nagy}{mhp}
\badge{Jan-Hendrik Palic}{Gromitt}
\badge{Joerg Wendland}{}
\badge{Jörg Jaspert}{Ganneff}
\badge{Martin Loschwitz}{Madkiss}
\badge{Martin Michlmayr}{tbm}
\badge{Martin Schulze}{Joey}
\badge{Michael Banck}{azeem}
\badge{Michael Bramer}{grisu}
\badge{Michael Meskes}{}
\badge{Michael Vogt}{mvo}
\badge{Nicolas Kratz}{}
\badge{Noel Koethe}{noel}
\badge{Ozan Turksever}{}
\badge{Rene Engelhard}{rene}
\badge{Roland Rosenfeld}{RoRo}
\badge{Simon Richter}{}
\badge{Sven Hoexter}{Hoaxter}



Attachment: pgpN2BFljurOf.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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