debian-devel-games Feb 2008 by thread
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Re: Writing get-orig-source targets to conform with policy Gerfried Fuchs
RFS: whichwayisup (new upstream release) Ansgar Burchardt
(fwd) Proposed MBF: Debian upstream version higher than watch file-reported upstream version [] Alexander Schmehl
The get-orig-source target as stated in Policy 4.9 Andres Mejia
RE: sdlBasic - makefile needed Miriam Ruiz
Re: ITP: beatharvester -- Asteroids clone with a musical theme Richard Hartmann
RFS: bouncy (new Debian revision) Ansgar Burchardt
RFC: beat harvester Richard Hartmann
About GoPlay! Miriam Ruiz
Re: RFC: Possible Transition from openal-0.0.8 to openal-1.1.0~svn* Cyril Brulebois
Fwd: how hard is compiling a SDL game? Cyril Brulebois
New member: Matt Arnold (CyberMatt) Cyril Brulebois
RFS: freesweep (ITA, new upstream release) Ansgar Burchardt
ufoai packages Teemu Ikonen
Onitama's OpenHSP Paulo Silva
asMSX becoming open-source Paulo Silva
Game Manager alioth project Jon Dowland
RFS: games-thumbnails Miriam Ruiz
RFS: pingus 0.7.2-2 (FTBFS with gcc-4.3) Cyril Brulebois
RFC: adanaxis 1.2.4.dfsg.1-1 (FTBFS with gcc-4.3) Cyril Brulebois
holotz-castle: Use of static_assert, FTBFS with gcc-4.3 Cyril Brulebois
RFC: vodovod 1.10-2 (fixes FTBFS with gcc-4.3) Cyril Brulebois
State of stormbaancoureur? Cyril Brulebois
freedoom and dm-upload-allowed Jon Dowland
RFS: supertuxkart 0.3-3 (fixes FTBFS with gcc-4.3) Cyril Brulebois
Please consider polishing sabre, and getting it uploaded (FTBFS with gcc-4.3) Cyril Brulebois
Ogre in trunk? Cyril Brulebois
xwelltris is not maintained by Debian Games Team Ansgar Burchardt
RFS: simutrans (ITP #437627) Ansgar Burchardt
RFS: simutrans-pak64 (ITP #467549) Ansgar Burchardt
clanbomber and clanlib Barry deFreese
RFS: glbsp ("new" upstream version) Darren Salt
The last update was on 12:20 GMT Sat May 25. There are 241 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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