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Re: [Alioth-staff-replacement] Alioth: Concerns about git URLs and groups/teams
Re: [Pkg-ace-devel] Status of the ACE package | Is the ACE team still active ?
Re: [Pkg-ace-devel] Status of the ACE package | Is the ACE team still active ?
Re: [Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#877212: node-d3-color: B-D npm not available in testing
alioth down?
Alioth: Concerns about git URLs and groups/teams
Re: Alioth: the future of mailing lists
Re: Ambientcapabilities - solved
Ambientcapabilities - solved was: (Re: thoughts about freeradius package (especially dhcp))
Bug#873896: ITP: ocaml-migrate-parsetree -- Convert OCaml parsetrees between different major versions
Bug#873897: ITP: ocaml-result -- Compatibility Result module for OCaml
Re: Bug#873919: make dpkg-buildpackage default locale UTF-8
Bug#873939: ITP: libjose -- Jose is a C-language implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption standards?=
Bug#873940: ITP: libluksmeta -- LUKSMeta is a simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header
Bug#873942: ITP: node-stream-splicer -- streaming pipeline with a mutable configuration
Bug#873963: ITP: node-immediate -- cross browser microtask library
Bug#873970: ITP: gtksourceview4: GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
Bug#873983: ITP: nanook -- pre- and post-alignment analysis of nanopore sequencing data
Bug#874011: ITP: core-moos -- Mission Oriented Operating Suite
Bug#874030: ITP: anyenv -- development environment setup tools for various languages
Bug#874031: O: fookb-plainx -- Xkb state indicator -- plain X version
Bug#874032: O: fookb-wmaker -- Xkb state indicator -- WindowMaker version
Bug#874044: ITP: node-statuses -- HTTP status utility
Bug#874053: ITP: node-encodeurl -- Encode URL to a percent-encoded form
Bug#874057: ITP: node-setprototypeof -- Small polyfill for Object.setprototypeof
Bug#874079: ITP: r-cran-readstata13 -- Functions to read and write 'Stata' files
Bug#874089: ITP: pipewire -- libraries for the PipeWire multimedia server
Bug#874166: ITP: node-grunt-babel -- grunt plugin of babel
Bug#874203: ITP: libapache2-mod-md -- ACME certificate support for apache2
Bug#874311: ITP: node-parse-base64vlq-mappings -- Parses out base64 VLQ encoded mappings
Bug#874313: ITP: btrfs-compsize -- calculate compression ratio of a set of files on btrfs
Bug#874315: ITP: simulide -- real time electronic circuit simulator
Bug#874316: ITP: simutron -- AVR simulator IDE
Bug#874325: ITP: apertium-cat-srd -- Apertium translation data for the Catalan-Sardinian pair
Bug#874339: ITP: rpy2-2.8 -- Python interface to the GNU R language and environment
Bug#874340: ITP: confidantmail -- Secure GPG-based non-SMTP email and large file transfer
Bug#874360: ITP: ruby-hocon -- Ruby port of the Typesafe Config library
Bug#874471: ITP: libbson-perl -- BSON serialization and deserialization for Perl
Bug#874483: ITP: ruby-diva -- Implementation of expression for handling things for mikutter
Bug#874510: ITP: libfile-monitor-lite-perl -- module for monitoring file creation, deletion, and modification
Bug#874512: ITP: libmoosex-types-laxnum-perl -- Moose type providing the loose behavior of Moose's old Num type
Bug#874513: ITP: libpod-projectdocs-perl -- module to generate CPAN like project documents from POD
Bug#874520: ITP: esh-help-el -- add some help functions and support for Eshell
Bug#874573: ITP: r-cran-spatstat.utils -- Utility Functions for 'spatstat'
Bug#874576: ITP: ruby-diaspora-federation-json-schema -- diaspora federation json schemas
Bug#874584: ITP: node-coveralls -- takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
Bug#874601: ITP: node-unicode-loose-match -- Unicode loose matching implementation for Node.js
Bug#874605: ITP: r-cran-dotcall64 -- Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors
Bug#874618: ITP: node-acorn-object-spread -- Plugin for object spread in acorn for Node.js
Bug#874622: ITP: ruby-gitlab -- Wrapper and CLI for the GitLab API
Bug#874624: ITP: ruby-terminal-table -- ASCII table generator
Bug#874639: ITP: python-b2 -- Python Command Line Tool for Backblaze B2
Bug#874681: ITP: apertium-crh -- Apertium single language data for Crimean Tatar
Bug#874690: ITP: ruby-jsonapi-renderer -- Ruby gem for rendering JSON API documents
Bug#874691: ITP: node-eslint-plugin-html -- lint and fix inline scripts contained in HTML files
Bug#874704: ITP: bro-pkg -- Bro Package Manager
Bug#874733: ITP: node-regenerate-unicode-properties -- Unicode properties and values as Regenerate sets for Node.js
Bug#874738: ITP: node-unicode-property-value-aliases-ecmascript -- Unicode property value aliases supported in ECMAScript regular expressions for Node.js
Bug#874785: ITP: node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript -- Match a Unicode property to its canonical name for Node.js
Bug#874789: ITP: node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript -- Match a Unicode property value to its canonical version in Node.js
Bug#874794: ITP: node-regexpu-core -- Core functionality for regexpu's functionality in Node.js
Bug#875264: ITP: rednotebook -- -- A cross-platform journal
Bug#875290: ITP: ruby-erubi --small ERB implementation
Bug#875378: ITP: node-style-loader -- style loader module for webpack
Bug#875423: openssl: Please re-enable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 (at least in testing)
Bug#875427: ITP: mailman3-django -- A common django base of tools for Mailman3's frontends Postorius and HyperKitty
Bug#875432: ITP: python3-sphinx-intl -- translation support utility for Sphinx
Bug#875475: ITP: eyebrowse-el -- simple-minded way of managing window configs in Emacs
Bug#875486: ITP: golang-blitiri-go-log -- Simple logging library in Go
Bug#875489: ITP: golang-blitiri-go-systemd -- Utilities to interact with systemd sockets in Go
Bug#875490: ITP: golang-blitiri-go-spf -- SPF (Sender Policy Framework) implementation in Go
Bug#875493: ITP: patroni -- Template for PostgreSQL High Availability
Bug#875545: ITP: cpdf -- The tool provide a wide range of professional, robust tools to modify PDF files.
Bug#875553: ITP: cdiff -- Colored, incremental diff with side by side and auto pager support
Bug#875555: ITP: phast -- phylogenetic analysis with space/time models
Bug#875561: ITP: python-logfury -- Toolkit for responsible, low-boilerplate logging of library method calls
Bug#875581: ITP: sass-mixins-compass -- mixins for Sass derived from Compass
Bug#875601: RFP: znc-push -- Push notification service module for ZNC
Bug#875628: ITP: libregexp-pattern-license-perl -- regular expressions for legal licenses
Bug#875632: ITP: libregexp-pattern-perl -- collection of regexp patterns
Bug#875654: ITP: superlu-dist -- Highly distributed solution of large, sparse systems of linear equations
Bug#875666: ITP: erlang-p1-eimp -- Erlang application for manipulating graphic images
Bug#875713: ITP: aether-ant-tasks -- Ant tasks to resolve Maven dependencies and install/deploy artifacts
Bug#875722: ITP: ert-runner -- Opinionated Ert testing workflow
Bug#875724: ITP: elpa-commander -- Command line parsing for Emacs
Bug#875755: ITP: golang-github-christrenkamp-goxpath -- XPath 1.0 implementation written in Go
Bug#875803: ITP: python-django-paintstore -- Integrates jQuery ColorPicker in Django admin
Bug#875810: ITP: r-cran-treespace -- Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
Bug#875816: ITP: py-autopep8-el -- use autopep8 to beautify a Python buffer
Bug#875849: ITP: r-cran-pkgconfig -- Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
Bug#875854: ITP: geronimo-annotation-1.3-spec -- Apache Geronimo Common Annotations 1.3 API
Bug#875857: ITP: django-allauth -- Django authentication backends
Bug#875869: ITP: robot-detection -- Detect web crawlers from HTTP UserAgent
Bug#875923: ITP: django-q -- Django multiprocessing distributed task queue
Bug#875934: ITP: minetest-mod-quartz -- Minetest module to add quartz
Bug#875935: ITP: minetest-mod-infinite-chest -- Minetest module to get chests with an infinite number of slots
Bug#875939: ITP: django-mailman3 -- Django library to help interaction with Mailman3
Bug#875978: ITP: diff-hl-el -- highlight uncommitted changes using VC
Bug#875987: ITP: node-babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy -- Compile class and object decorators to ES5 (legacy)
Bug#876011: ITP: gtk+4.0 -- GTK+ graphical user interface library
Bug#876059: ITP: libvd -- Volume Development library
Bug#876083: ITP: zsh-theme-powerlevel9k -- theme for zsh which uses powerline fonts
Bug#876091: ITP: node-module-deps -- walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into browser-pack
Bug#876095: O: bash-completion -- programmable completion for the bash shell
Bug#876166: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-tilix-shortcut -- Adds easy to use configurable keyboard shortcut for tilix
Bug#876204: ITP: goxel -- 3D voxel editor
Bug#876254: ITP: pulsemixer -- command-line mixer for PulseAudio with a curses interface
Bug#876273: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-checkbin-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin for checking command at build time
Bug#876287: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin to create a Build.PL that uses Module::Build::Tiny
Bug#876289: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-awesome-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin with more options than [MakeMaker]
Bug#876290: ITP: move-text-el -- move current line or region up and down
Bug#876292: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-fallback-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin that generates a Makefile.PL with deprecation warnings
Bug#876296: ITP: golang-github-oklog-ulid -- Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go
Bug#876297: ITP: diffview-el -- view diffs in side-by-side format
Bug#876298: ITP: golang-github-nightlyone-lockfile -- Handle locking via pid files
Bug#876322: ITP: nov-el -- Emacs mode for viewing EPUB files
Bug#876324: ITP: emacs-kv -- key/value data structure functions for Emacs Lisp
Bug#876326: ITP: emacs-db -- database interface and sample implementation for Emacs Lisp
Bug#876327: ITP: newsboat -- text mode rss feed reader with podcast support
Bug#876347: ITP: go-dep -- Go dependency management tool
Bug#876356: ITP: clonalframeml -- Efficient Inference of Recombination in Whole Bacterial Genomes
Bug#876374: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-modulebuildtiny-fallback-perl -- Dist::Zilla plugin that generates a Build.PL with fallback on Module::Build
Bug#876383: ITP: safeeyes -- Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder
Bug#876405: ITP: node-rollup-plugin-buble -- rollup plugin
Bug#876406: ITP: python-stestr -- test runner runner similar to testrepository
Bug#876412: ITP: python-subunit2sql -- subunit file/stream to DB
Bug#876445: ITP: virtualenvwrapper-el -- featureful virtualenv tool for Emacs
Bug#876446: ITP: eshell-git-prompt -- Eshell prompt themes for Git users
Bug#876447: ITP: eshell-prompt-extras -- display extra information in your Eshell prompt
Bug#876558: ITP: emacs-uuid -- UUID/GUID library for Emacs Lisp
Bug#876559: ITP: esxml -- XML, ESXML and SXML library for Emacs Lisp
Bug#876625: ITP: node-globby -- Extends `glob` with support for multiple patterns and exposes, a Promise API.
Bug#876650: ITP: golang-github-go-logfmt-logfmt -- Package logfmt marshals and unmarshals logfmt messages.
Bug#876652: ITP: libcode-tidyall-plugin-sortlines-naturally-perl -- sort lines of a file using Unicode::Collate::Locale
Bug#876655: ITP: lapdog -- Take actions when specific devices appear/disappear from your LAN
Bug#876679: RFH: pyrrd
Bug#876681: RFH: rst2pdf -- ReportLab-based reStructuredText to PDF renderer
Bug#876730: ITP: golang-github-go-redis-redis -- Type-safe Redis client for Golang
Bug#876748: ITP: systemd-el -- major mode for editing systemd units
Bug#876749: ITP: golang-github-hashicorp-go-sockaddr -- IP Address/UNIX Socket convenience functions for Go
Bug#876751: O: rhash-bindings -- have no time to maintain the package anymore
Bug#876767: ITP: libcrypt-u2f-server-perl -- Crypt::U2F::Server::Simple - Register and Authenticate U2F compatible security devices
Bug#876813: ITP: pyment -- Create, update or convert docstrings in existing Python files
Re: Bug#876899: apt: Log to the systemd journal
Bug#876963: ITP: elastalert -- easy and flexible alerting with Elasticsearch
Bug#876997: ITP: node-flush-write-stream -- A write stream constructor that supports a flush function
Bug#877017: ITP: python-rstr -- easily generate random strings of various types
Bug#877019: ITP: nix -- Purely functional package manager
Bug#877030: ITP: pat -- Winlink client with basic messaging capabilities
Bug#877056: ITP: fr24feed -- Flightradar24 Decoder & Feeder
Bug#877080: ITP: gpyfft -- Wrapper for the OpenCL FFT library clFFT
Bug#877103: ITP: python-rebulk -- Define simple search patterns in bulk to perform advanced matching on any string
Bug#877226: ITP: libuvc -- a cross-platform library for USB video devices
Bug#877263: ITP: r-cran-rlang -- Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
Bug#877302: ITP: r-cran-bindr -- Parametrized Active Bindings for GNU R
Bug#877303: ITP: r-cran-bindrcpp -- GNU R 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
Bug#877304: ITP: r-cran-glue -- GNU R interpreted string literals
Bug#877315: ITP: expeyes-doc -- documentation for expeyes and python-expeyes
Bug#877326: ITP: emoji-data -- The associated data files for emoji characters
Compressed apt index files by default?
Debian distro build system
debian/control file: how to selectively suppress recommends?
Re: distributing .buildinfo files (Re: Bad interaction between pbuilder/debhelper/dpkg-buildinfo/dpkg-genchanges and dak on security-master)
distributing .buildinfo files (Re: Bad interaction between pbuilder/debhelper/dpkg-buildinfo/dpkg-genchanges and dak on security-master)
Re: e2fsprogs as Essential: yes?
Follow-up: Alioth: the future of mailing lists
for the future of Debian Live
ftp master uploads disappearing?
Help needed for #871234 FTBFS with GCC-7: error: type/value mismatch
Help with install of debian stretch
Help, I broke for chrome
Re: Help, I broke for chrome - Found reason
How to start a new packaging team now?
Re: IMPORTANT: Do live Debian images have a future?
Is bash-completion orphaned?
Re: ITP: generator-scripting-language -- code generation and construction tool
ITP: golang-github-moul-http2curl -- Go package for convert Golang's http.Request to CURL command line
ITP: golang-github-valyala-bytebufferpool -- Anti-memory-waste byte buffer pool
let's drop non-UTF-8 locales
Re: Let's enable AppArmor by default (why not?)
Re: Mail templates
maim maintainer (Patrick O'Doherty) whereabouts?
make dpkg-buildpackage default locale UTF-8
Re: MBF: (Incorrect) use of /var/lib/apt/lists/
mini-debconf 2017 in Toulouse, FRANCE
New httpd-fastcgi virtual package
normal bugs (Re: Raising the severity of reproduciblity issues to "important")
pasting license text into debian/copyright
Re: Raising the severity of reproduciblity issues to "important"
references to software catalogs
Reminder: Outreachy mentor application period closes September 17
Re: Removal of upstart integration
Removing Qt4 in Buster
Requirements for simple ncurses/console applications for entering Debian?
SDL2 Libraries issue
Re: Sign up to mentor for Outreachy Round 15
Re: source-only uploads
Status of the ACE package | Is the ACE team still active ?
Steps towards a patch to document disabling a daemon upon installation
suil - current packaging query
Summary of the 2038 BoF at DC17
Summary of the Arm ports BoF at DC17
Summary of the Cloud Team BoF at DC17
thoughts about freeradius package (especially dhcp)
Re: Whether remotely running software is considered "software" for Debian.
Why small "Uncompressed Size: 2,048" for ssmtp
Work-needing packages report for Sep 1, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Sep 15, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Sep 22, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Sep 29, 2017
Work-needing packages report for Sep 8, 2017
Re: X facts about Debian - some fact checking and looking for ideas.
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