debian-sparc Dec 2001 by thread
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SunBlade 100 and add-on ethernet card Bob Van Cleef
Mozilla 0.9.5-5 and java vm? Christian Jönsson
Problems with e450 and Symbios 22801 controller... Brian Macy
[광고] debian-sparc님 안녕하세요. 누구? 로버트할리가..뭐? 세스영어TAPE를..얼마? 공짜로.. 이노커뮤니케이션
Sound on Sun Blade 1000 Lennart Poettering
Sun type 5 keyboard layout on XFree 4 Paavo Hartikainen
Xsun 24 problem david howe
snmpd on Sun Enterprise 250 franco
sbus pcmcia adapter Jeramy B Smith
Re: [sbus pcmcia adapter] Eric
system call 227 Dave Love
SBUS Sparc printer card. Eric Huiban
Creator 3D Justin Bedo
Re: [Re: SBUS Sparc printer card.] Eric
'Uncompressed image too long' with 2.4.16 sun4u kernel Stephen Zander
Problem compiling kernel 2.4.16 with woody jochen005
Re: [Xpert]Re: Screen blanking/DPMS with Sun Ultra1 Ferris McCormick
SS2: 2.4.17-rc2 boots and then nothing!? Andreas Behnert
RAID1 on sparc64 Tim Kent
¢º¢º´Ù¸¥°÷¿£ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù!!¢¸¢¸[±³À°¼ºñ½º±¤°í] webmaster
[no subject] Sylvain MAURIN
Looking to get your web site hosted for under $5 with a FREE domain name? CyberWEB Hosting Networks
sparc HW fs Robin-David Hammond
8 package(s) to rebuild on sparc/stable Martin Schulze
Sparc CD images Graham/Aniartia
Please schedule m68k/sparc rebuilds for libreadline-java Ben Burton
Please rebuild samba 2.0.7-4 for potato Steve Langasek
compiling kernel 2.4.16 Alex Cavnar
The last update was on 18:20 GMT Wed May 01. There are 176 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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