debian-powerpc Jun 2007 by thread
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[iBook 300Mhz] ybin: undocumented error ? Ennio-Sr
keyboard on ibook G4 with kernel > 2.6.18 Emil Nowak
function key usage switched Gerfried Fuchs
MOL and the official Etch kernel Andrew J. Barr
freebob/ffado Joseph Sanger
HFS+ backup tool Andrew J. Barr
PPC installer kernel panic from libc problem Peter Czanik
[NS] E-mail Ecolatina - Trabalhos Técnicos boletim
[NS] E-mail Ecolatina - Trabalhos Técnicos boletim
loncalls broken? Camm Maguire
debian-testing installer on PPC Peter Czanik
new appletouch alpha version Soeren Sonnenburg
G4 Quicksilver Alsa Sound Tumbler driver Issues P4W3R
ibook g4 modem Typhoon
Ecartis command results: No commands found Ecartis
Re: upgraded to unstable directly from stable ... should i re-install? Gerfried Fuchs
G4 Powerbook System Fan UBUNTU Feisty Matthew Polashek
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