Powernowd: fast switch to high speed
Hi all
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
cpu : 7447A, altivec supported
clock : 833.333000MHz
revision : 0.5 (pvr 8003 0105)
bogomips : 16.57
timebase : 8320000
platform : PowerMac
machine : PowerBook5,8
motherboard : PowerBook5,8 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh
detected as : 287 (PowerBook G4 15")
pmac flags : 00000019
L2 cache : 512K unified
pmac-generation : NewWorld
I removed cpufreqd (due to a, IINM, bug) and installed powernowd:
How do I force powernowd to set the frequency *very fast* to the
highest possible value if the CPU usage goes above 5% ?
Or is that impossible with powernowd?
I've played around with that tool, and so far I got it to switch to
high speed only when the system is so much loaded that it's nearly
non-responsive - and this is much too late for a change to higher
speed ...
Thanks in anticipation
Best Regards
Wolfgang Pfeiffer: /ICQ: 286585973/ + + + /AIM: crashinglinux/
I made slight changes on Key ID: E3037113. Please refresh it.
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