debian-legal May 2005 by thread
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- Minute Man? No More Dominique Benton
- Re: How can I mix GFDL and GPL sources? Andrew Suffield
- Re: modification of zlib/libpng license, is this legally usable? Anders Bergh
- Re: (DRAFT) FAQ on documentation licensing Nathanael Nerode
- Re: public domain Nathanael Nerode
- Illegal code distribution from Andrew Saunders
- Ihre Email an wurde weitergeleitet. OnlineSystem
- For thoughts: fair license James William Pye
- Asking for advice regarding the Sleepy Cat's dbxml license Tomas Fasth
- Re: Urgently need GPL compatible libsnmp5-dev replacement :-( Humberto Massa
- GPL and linking (was: Urgently need GPL compatible libsnmp5-dev replacement :-() Michael K. Edwards
- Is public domain software DFSG-compliant? Karl Fogel
- Artistic2? John Goerzen
- advice on highpoint drivers Filippo Giunchedi
- Dating Plugin for your website info
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking Jeremy Hankins
- Re: GPL and linking Raul Miller
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL and linking Glenn Maynard
- GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Glenn Maynard
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Glenn Maynard
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Raul Miller
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Raul Miller
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Michael K. Edwards
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Raul Miller
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking Humberto Massa
- Re: GPL and linking (was: Urgently need GPL compatible libsnmp5-d ev replacement :-() Humberto Massa
- Chose place and time. It will do the rest. Graham
- Re: GPL, "license upgrades", and the obligation to offer source code Humberto Massa
- Re: pine license Glenn Maynard
- Re: What makes software copyrightable anyway? Humberto Massa
- Contract and Tort Law and the GPL Raul Miller
- my mistakes Raul Miller
- t snail mail pictures&build an online photo album! Archibald
- Unsubscribe Arnaldo G.Santos
- RES: What makes software copyrightable anyway? Humberto Massa Guimarães
- Need advice for dual licensing Svante Signell
- RES: RES: What makes software copyrightable anyway? Humberto Massa Guimarães
- [CSIkey:177241] Gegen das Vergessen charlie
- Tomas Makko/TREU/DE/SONEPAR ist außer Haus. Tomas . Makko
- Where to put Open Transport Tycoon (openttd) Matthijs Kooijman
- libpano12: patent problems Robert Jordens
- Re: Bug#309257: libpano12: patent problems MJ Ray
- 75% Off for All New Software. Gertie
- RES: Where to put Open Transport Tycoon (openttd) Humberto Massa Guimarães
- Swiss Watches Sylvester
- sphinx 4 Warren Turkal
- RES: RES: Where to put Open Transport Tycoon (openttd) Humberto Massa Guimarães
- RES: Open Transport Tycoon - if it was like freeciv Humberto Massa Guimarães
- Re: Open Transport Tycoon - if it was like freeciv Humberto Massa Guimarães
- Get software cds and download under $15-$99 Timothy
- Do not package WASTE! UNAUTHORIZED SOFTWARE [Was: Re: Questions about waste licence and code.] Mirco Bauer
- Trademark license compatibility with GPL and/or DFSG Nicholas Jefferson
- distribute Raul Miller
- License question about regexplorer Roberto C. Sanchez
The last update was on 07:24 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 605 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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