debian-l10n-french Jun 2019 by thread
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- [RFR2] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-180{2,3,5,6,7,8}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-1{799,799-2,809}.wml JP Guillonneau
- Re: [RFR] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/openssl/po4a/SSL_CONF/po/fr.po JP Guillonneau
- Re: [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4454.wml Steve Petruzzello
- Erreurs de traduction Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- [DONE] wml://security/2019/dsa-444{8,9}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [LCFC] wml://lts/security/2018/dla-136{0..9}wml JP Guillonneau
- [LCFC] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-17{77-2,91,92,92-2,93,94,95,96,97}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{12,13}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4455.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2019/dsa-4453.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] po-debconf://open-infrastructure-container-tools/fr.po 6u Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] po-debconf://publicfile-installer/fr.po 1f,2u Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://consultants/index.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR4] ddp://release-notes/{installing,whats-new}.po Baptiste Jammet
- Re: [RFR3] ddp://release-notes/upgrading.po Baptiste Jammet
- Re: [RFR3] ddp://release-notes/issues.po Baptiste Jammet
- [DONE] wml://security/2019/dsa-445{0,1}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [LCFC] wml://security/2019/dsa-4454.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{14,15}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-445{6,7}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- HPLIP 3.18 ou 3.19 sur debian 9.9 ernie
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4458.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2018/dla-135{0..9}wml JP Guillonneau
- [TAF] po-debconf://x2goserver/fr.po 12u (Idéal pour débuter !) Thomas Vincent
- [BTS#930345] po://ltsp/po/fr.po Quentin Lejard
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-44{59,60,61}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [LCFC] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-1{753-3,798,800,801}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [TAF] po4a://blends-team/website/www/edu/fr.po 28u (Fw: Debian Edu Blends website) Baptiste Jammet
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{04,16,17}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4462.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-install.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-cd.wml JP Guillonneau
- Obtenir Debian Yves Caron
- Re: [LCFC2] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/rosegarden/ Wolfgang Schweer
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4464.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [TAF] po-debconf://byobu/fr.po 3u Julien Patriarca
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2018/dla-134{0..9}wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2018/dla-133{0..9}wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{19,20,21}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4465.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-182{3..6}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-446{6,7}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [MAJ] po4a://aptitude/doc/po4a/po/fr.po 2731t;2f;2u Alban Vidal
- [DONE] po4a://openssl/po4a/ssl/po/fr.po Alban Vidal
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-extra-fr/openssl/po4a/ssl/po/fr.po Alban Vidal
- [MAJ] po://acl/po/fr.po 48t;4f;0u Alban Vidal
- [MAJ] po://attr/po/fr.po 22t;7f;1u Alban Vidal
- [TAF] po://gdebi/po/fr.po 141t;0f;6u Alban Vidal
- [RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/audacity/ Quentin Lejard
- [RFR] wml://consultants/{cesarsilva,legoutdulibre,uws-software-service,wer_mx}.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-1{789-2,827,829}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4468.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- Re: [LCFC] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/audacity/ Quentin Lejard
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{22,30,31}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4469.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4470.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [DONE] po4a://debain-faq/po4a/po/fr.po Alban Vidal
- Traduction des pages man Martin Quinson
- [ITT] po4a://manpages-fr/search/po/fr.po 19f 24u Grégoire Scano
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4471.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-18{11,28,32,36}.wml JP Guillonneau
- Compte-rendu du sprint de l'équipe de localisation à Marseille Thomas Vincent
- [IIT] po4a://manpages-fr/utmp/po/fr.po 17f 25u Grégoire Scano
- [ITT] po4a://manpages-fr/utmp/po/fr.po 17f 25u Grégoire Scano
- [ITT] wml://devel/debian-installer/News/2019/20190626.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [ITT] po4a://manpages-fr/wchar/po/fr.po 54f 20u Grégoire Scano
- whois 5.4.4: Please update the PO translation for the package whois Marco d'Itri
- [RFR] wml://security/2019/dsa-4472.wml Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [ITT] wml://News/weekly/2019/01 Jean-Pierre Giraud
- [RFR] wml://lts/security/2019/dla-183{4,5,7,8}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [LCFC] wml://security/2019/dsa-4452.wml Thomas Vincent
- Nettoyage du spam : juin 2019 Jean-Pierre Giraud
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