debian-l10n-french Jul 2012 by thread
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- dpkg 1.16.7: Please update the PO translation for the package dpkg (programs) Guillem Jover
- dpkg 1.16.7: Please update the PO translation for the package dpkg (scripts) Guillem Jover
- dpkg 1.16.7: Please update the PO translation for the package dpkg (dselect) Guillem Jover
- dpkg 1.16.7: Please update the PO translation for the package dpkg (man pages) Guillem Jover
- [BTS#679295] po-debconf://keystone/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Nettoyage du spam: juin 2012 Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://security/2012/dsa-2{499,500}.wml David Prévot
- [LCFC] wml://security/2012/dsa-2{498,501,502}.wml David Prévot
- Re: [RFR] po-debconf://icinga-web/fr.po 12u Steve Petruzzello
- [RFR] po-debconf://fglrx-driver/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] po4a://ladder/fr.po Jean-Christophe GARNIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-250{3,4,5}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2506.wml David Prévot
- [BTS#680040] po4a://aptitude/fr.po Cédric Boutillier
- [TAF] po-debconf://ipsec-tools/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2507.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://News/2012/20120704.wml Cédric Boutillier
- [TAF] Lettre de couverture pour le soutien financier de Didier Raboud
- [RFR6] po4a://harden-doc/fr.po David Prévot
- [TAF] wml://devel/debian-accessibility/index [DO NOT REPLY!] David Prévot
- [ITT] wml://ports/hurd/hurd-install [NO NEED TO REPLY] David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-178{8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml JP Guillonneau
- [RFR2] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: [RFR2] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Stéphane Blondon
- [RFR3] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [LCFC] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [DONE] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: [RFR2] wml://security/2009/dsa-179{5,6,8,9}.wml David Prévot
- Re: Number typo in the Constitution Ian Jackson
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2509.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/14 Cédric Boutillier
- [TAF] po-debconf://fs2ram/fr.po 10u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-180{1,2,3}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2510.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://News/2012/20120716.wml Cédric Boutillier
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-180{5,6,7,8}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [] Incorrect French translation of warning on the technical committee ("vous devez ?tre pr?t ? ?tre d?fi?") Filipus Klutiero
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-201{1,2}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [TAF] po-debconf://tomoyo-tools/fr.po 3u Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-251{3,4}.wml Thomas Vincent
- achive debian inasesible jonathan boies
- [TAF] po-debconf://nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-96xx/fr.po 3u Christian PERRIER
- Please update d-i manual translations for Wheezy Holger Wansing
- [RFR] wml://events/2012/0803-texas-linuxfest.wml Cédric Boutillier
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2515.wml Thomas Vincent
- [TAF] wml://users/{org/sron,org/bayour_com,com/stabilys}.wml Thomas Vincent
- nvidia-support 20120630+2: Please update debconf PO translation for the package nvidia-support Andreas Beckmann
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-181{0,1,2}.wml Thomas Vincent
- Re: une (autre) coquille dans le guide du nouveau responsable Stéphane Blondon
- Changement d'adresse électronique Steve Petruzzello
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/dsa-2508.wml Thomas Vincent
- (forw) Status of templates translations for language fr Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] wml://events/2012/0726-forumit.wml Cédric Boutillier
- demande ravaux ludovic
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-181{3,4,5}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://Bugs/{server-control,Reporting}.wml David Prévot
- [DONE] po-debconf ://nginx/fr.po David Prévot
- [RFR] po4a://devscripts/fr.po 2269t 44f 7u David Prévot
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/sda-2516.wml David Prévot
- Re: Man dpkg in french Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://security/2009/dsa-181{6,7,8}.wml Thomas Vincent
- [RFR] wml://News/weekly/2012/15 David Prévot
- [RFR#683122] po4a://debianutils/fr.po (188t;3f;0u) David Prévot
- Re: [ITT] po4a://debhelper/fr.po (771t;55f;26u) David Prévot
- [MAJ] po4a://schroot/fr.po (653t;2f;2u) David Prévot
- [MAJ] po://debconf/fr.po David Prévot
- [MAJ] po://aptitude/fr.po (1497t;2f;3u) David Prévot
- [MAJ] po://iso-codes/fr.po (7780t;1246f;530u) David Prévot
- [MAJ] po://dhelp/fr.po (21t;0f;3u) David Prévot
- [VAC] 6 -> 20 août Thomas Blein
- [BTS#678397] po4a://apt-show-versions/fr.po David Prévot
- [DONE] po://apt-show-versions/fr.po David Prévot
- menu-l10n 0.20101027: Please update the PO translation for the package menu-l10n Bill Allombert
- [RFR] wml://security/2012/sda-2517.wml David Prévot
- [BTS#672747]po://citadel/fr.po David Prévot
- [ITT] po-debconf://hoteldruid/fr.po David Prévot
The last update was on 18:45 GMT Wed May 01. There are 316 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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