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Réflex' Massage : Profitez du Forfait Spécial Automne ! ЗДеcЬ moЖeТ БЫТЬ ВAШа рeкЛамa сл{y}жба email рaccылok п0`вe`сT`ки 6pоcAют в ящик пpи3ыB идeT в pocсии рекламa для Вaшегo прeдприятия вoенный билет не выдают быстро Дoстyпнaя peклама Н{e}сем н{a} п{o}чту пиcь{m}a Найду для Вас заказы Самоучитель - Иврит язык Спaм pассылки Пoчтoвaя kомaния По пoводу kлиeнтов Продвижение сайтов - 14 000 руб. в мес. Размещение рекламы от 1000 руб. Работа - спец. по обслуживанию call центра Рекламнoе агентство Вaшa pеkлamа мoжeт быть тут Вниманиe! paсcылки Вааша аренда в центре М0сквы по смешным ценам! У Вас очень хороший сайт 3a60леBaния, дaющиe 0TCP0чку 0тср0чкy по Ceмье -помoжем 0ф0pмить дедoвщина скрывается по всей aрмии Оффшор в Великобритании за 399 евро! Фирмы в Германии с "историей" и без Re: недорогая реклама в инете afbackup 3.5.3-3 MIGRATED to testing aiccu 20070115-10 MIGRATED to testing antennavis 0.3-6 MIGRATED to testing archmbox 4.10.0-1 MIGRATED to testing avifile 1:0.7.48~20090503.ds-1 MIGRATED to testing avifile override disparity Bug#109962: marked as done (gmrun man page does not mention '!' history search mechanism) Bug#224518: sopwith: segfault in colltest() Bug#231616: defoma: Apply patch, please Bug#264996: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [look] should not use -df default if -b specified) Bug#271786: marked as done (wtf: missing acronym FTBFS) Bug#280176: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] calendar file updates) Bug#293689: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] The -w flag does nothing) Bug#299321: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] Bulgarian entries (maybe calendar.bulgarian)) Bug#315664: marked as done (bsdmainutils: two versions of banner in different places) Bug#317260: marked as done (iptotal: no way to easily disable iptotal) Bug#319952: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [col] doesn't handle UTF-8) Bug#329923: marked as done (dict-elements: aluminium not listed, only aluminum) Bug#335087: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [col] last line silently dropped if no newline) Bug#337311: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] Earl of Sandwich's bday) Bug#348032: marked as done (man foo > foo.txt gives invalid UTF-8 output with UTF-8 locales) Bug#358609: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] Republic of Kazakhstan holidays) Bug#361223: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [cal] should use locale for knowing how to display week) Bug#363945: marked as done (wtf: Please include some additional abbreviations in wtf) Bug#367299: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [cal] improve -J description in the man page) Bug#368384: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [column] can't deal with Chinese utf-8 Unicode properly) Bug#381114: marked as done (Incorrect orthodox holiday names in file /usr/share/calendar/ru_RU/calendar.orthodox) Bug#382105: marked as done (archmbox: bzip2 has moved to /bin) Bug#382638: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [column] -t segfaults on empty column) Bug#388153: marked as done (bsdmainutils: calendar.german - wrong UNO join date of GDR and BRD) Bug#393793: col.1.gz: carriage return discussion Bug#393793: marked as done (col.1.gz: carriage return discussion) Bug#401091: marked as done (calendar.1.gz: words doubled) Bug#405761: closed by Ignace Mouzannar <> (Bug#405761: fixed in vrfy 990522-5) Bug#409664: bsdiff: is extremely slow on some files, sometimes hangs Bug#413900: marked as done (Daylight Savings Time is no longer on Apr 1st) Bug#415057: marked as done (cal: please pad the weekday abbreviations on the left) Bug#431930: marked as done (catch cal 6/2007) Bug#440168: marked as done (wtf: please add "NIMB" (and/or "NIMBY") to the acronym list) Bug#446547: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] calendar.geschichte typos) Bug#455248: marked as done (bsdmainutils: write refuses to work from a mesg n terminal) Bug#460315: marked as done (gmrun: specify initial text from the command line) Bug#460918: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [hexdump] swaps bytes when printing in default mode) Bug#467195: marked as done (sg3-utils: code samples include missing .h file) Bug#472355: marked as done ([cal] should use locale's _NL_TIME_WEEK_1STDAY to know the first day of a week) Bug#474600: marked as done (bsdmainutils: Please update Ubuntu calendar) Bug#474629: marked as done (bsdgames: wtf in Debian must know about WIR and SIYH) Bug#475255: ILIKE fix Bug#478159: Removed package(s) from unstable Bug#484579: marked as done (bsdmainutils: multibyte characters are not considered in col) Bug#485169: marked as done (jack-tools: FTBFS when converted to new source format 3.0 (quilt): patch files contained in tarballs) Bug#485169: Source format "3.0 (quilt)" allowed in testing/unstable Bug#485569: libhk-classes-dev: python 2.4/2.5 dependency Bug#485809: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [columns] -n option not documented as a debian extension) Bug#487985: marked as done (hexdump: hd -C duplicates input) Bug#493759: marked as done (bsdmainutils: Batched list of calendar data typos/gotchas.) Bug#497014: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [ncal] should support -3 option, too) Bug#497703: marked as done (python-happydoc: Incomplete debian/copyright) Bug#498232: marked as done (bsdmainutils: segfault on hexdump -e '2/1 ""') Bug#499743: marked as done (gmrun: please add support for "Selected" option in configuration) Bug#500236: #500236 wrong display of UTF-8 characters Bug#503276: marked as done ([calendar] bug #137059 reappeared) Bug#504524: hit this bug with PdfLicenseManager Bug#505297: #505297 ncurses-base: Wrong terminfo for xterm keys up, down, end, home Bug#507602: marked as done (calendar source data filename) Bug#514310: marked as done (vncsnapshot: argument parsing (-tunnel) broken) Bug#516271: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [colrm] Doesn't support UTF-8 characters) Bug#521107: marked as done (unsafe /tmp usage) Bug#521107: s-p-u: security update for xfs package Bug#521473: getcontext missing on some architectures, what to do with wvstreams and wvdial? Bug#522352: marked as done (bsdgames: Quiz program requires addition of President Obama's name to presidents list) Bug#523442: marked as done (bsdgames: add some acronyms TINLA, IANADD, TINASOTODP) Bug#525207: marked as done (thttpd: please downgrade logrotate dependency to recommends) Bug#525269: marked as done ('man sg_ident sg_write_long' typos: "revison" & "traling") Bug#525925: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] Samuel Morse's birthday) Bug#527431: marked as done (jack-tools: Build-Depends on libjack0.100.0-dev) Bug#527904: marked as done (Doc README.gz refers to support site that does not contain content) Bug#528121: O: xml-resume-library -- A set of tools for writing a resume in XML Bug#528657: marked as done (locales: shs_CA locale causes segfault while running cal) Bug#530590: marked as done (libplist-utils: long description no sentence) Bug#531952: Bug#506294: netbeans-ide: moving the package to main Bug#533636: marked as done (defoma: remove "/usr/bin" PATH from debhelper scripts) Bug#533954: marked as done (ksimus-boolean: FTBFS: required file `admin/config.guess' not found) Bug#533982: Being stuck Bug#534897: capisuite: specify ${python_libdir}/dist-packages in 040_python26.diff Bug#536181: marked as done (vncsnapshot: cannot capture vnc screen on amd64) Bug#538364: marked as done ((gmanedit_0.4.2-1/avr32): FTBFS: Outdated config.{sub,guess}) Bug#538679: marked as done (dclock: FTBFS with new source format 3.0 (quilt): removes .pc before quilt pop) Bug#539247: marked as done ([INTL:es] Spanish translation for gmanedit) Bug#540060: marked as done (error in pgadmin3) Bug#540621: marked as done (Fwd: thttpd override disparity) Bug#540674: marked as done (pgadmin3: version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference) Bug#540969: marked as done (wammu: Symbol not defined in file Bug#541381: marked as done (canto: please migrate to python-multiprocessing) Bug#541734: marked as done (sg3-utils: Use dh_prep instead of previous "dh_clean -k") Bug#542229: marked as done (bsdmainutils: [calendar] Meriwether Lewis entry has wrong birth year) Bug#543002: marked as done (libpadre-plugin-nopaste-perl: FTBFS: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/' for module Wx: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/ symbol _ZN14wxTreeCtrlBase11CollapseAllEv, version WXU_2.8.1 not defined in file Bug#543009: marked as done (lineak-xosdplugin: FTBFS: /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory) Bug#543027: marked as done (lineak-kdeplugins: FTBFS: /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory) Bug#543066: marked as done (libwx-perl-processstream-perl: FTBFS: tests failed) Bug#543078: marked as done (libpadre-plugin-autoformat-perl: FTBFS: tests failed) Bug#543154: marked as done ([playonlinux] PlayOnLinux fail to run with a python error) Bug#543465: (hamlib_1.2.9-1/avr32): FTBFS: Outdated config.{sub,guess} Bug#544620: marked as done (can not open pgadmin3 : pgadmin3: relocation error: pgadmin3: symbol _ZN21wxMemoryFSHandlerBase19AddFileWithMimeTypeERK8wxStringPKvjS2_, version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference) Bug#545300: marked as done (sg3_utils: Update home page) Bug#547435: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation update) Bug#547622: marked as done (bsdmainutils: Please document which sort LC_COLLATE locale is expected by "look -b") Bug#548073: marked as done (installation of otrs2 breaks apache configuration) Bug#549401: marked as done (fails to build with gcc-4.4/newer eglibc) Bug#549407: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc and powerpc Bug#549407: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc and powerpc Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc and powerpc Bug#549513: marked as done (fails to build with newer eglibc/gcc-4.4) Bug#549785: marked as done (songwrite: FTBFS: mv: cannot stat `debian/songwrite/usr/share/*.egg-info': No such file or directory) Bug#549878: marked as done (isdnutils: Please port to sh4) Bug#550030: isdnutils: General update after the debconf review process Bug#550030: marked as done (isdnutils: [debconf_rewrite] Debconf templates and debian/control review) Bug#550726: marked as done ([l10n] Czech translation for isdnutils) Bug#550858: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese debconf templates translation update) Bug#550876: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:fi] Updated Finnish translation of the debconf templates) Bug#550941: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese debconf templates translation update) Bug#551060: marked as done ([l10n:eu] isdnutils 1:3.9.20060704-5: updated Basque translation) Bug#551117: marked as done ([INTL:sv] Swedish strings for isdnutils debconf) Bug#551869: marked as done (wvstreams: Please enable "--with-dbus" option in configure) Bug#552092: marked as done (Cannot purge: invoke-rc.d: initscript trousers, action "stop" failed.) Bug#552166: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:pt] Updated Portuguese translation for debconf messages) Bug#552217: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:it] Italian debconf translation) Bug#552265: marked as done ([INTL:es] Spanish debconf template translation for isdnutils) Bug#552463: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation update) Bug#552470: marked as done (otrs2: cron job for postmaster mailbox is broken) Bug#552489: marked as done (/usr/sbin/tcsd shouldn't be owned by tss) Bug#552669: marked as done (maintainer-script-modifies-netbase-managed-file preinst:9 /etc/services) Bug#552834: patch Bug#552840: marked as done (bsdgames: FTBFS: boggle/boggle/extern.h:46: error: conflicting types for 'getline') Bug#552862: patch Bug#552879: marked as done (unifdef: FTBFS: unifdef.c:204: error: conflicting types for 'getline') Bug#552884: marked as done (spline: FTBFS: utils.h:34: error: conflicting types for 'getline') Bug#552896: marked as done (thttpd: FTBFS: htpasswd.c:57: error: conflicting types for 'getline') Bug#553033: marked as done ([INTL:ja] please add Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)) Bug#553078: marked as done (isdnutils: [INTL:de] German translation) Bug#553137: marked as done (xfonts-intl-asian: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553138: marked as done (xfonts-intl-arabic: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553140: marked as done (xfonts-intl-phonetic: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553141: marked as done (xfonts-intl-chinese: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553142: marked as done (xfonts-intl-japanese: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553143: marked as done (xfonts-intl-japanese-big: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553144: marked as done (xfonts-intl-european: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553146: marked as done (xfonts-intl-chinese-big: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:23 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.) Bug#553239: libncurses5-dbg: missing-dependency-on-libc Bug#553241: marked as done (tix: missing-dependency-on-libc needed by ./usr/lib/ but the package doesn't depend on the C library package. Normally this indicates that ${shlibs: Depends} was omitted from the Depends line for this package in debian/control.) Bug#553273: marked as done (afbackup: read-in-maintainer-script preinst:28) Bug#553273: read-in-maintainer-script preinst Bug#553280: defoma: read-in-maintainer-script postinst:20 Bug#553280: marked as done (defoma: read-in-maintainer-script postinst:20) Bug#553536: iptotal: dir-or-file-in-var-www /var/www/iptotal/images/Archive_Button.gif and 12 others Bug#553536: marked as done (iptotal: dir-or-file-in-var-www /var/www/iptotal/images/Archive_Button.gif and 12 others) Bug#553537: wdg-html-validator: dir-or-file-in-var-www /var/www/wdg-html-validator.html Bug#553540: htdig: dir-or-file-in-var-www /var/www/htdig/button1.gif and 31 others Bug#553624: [adesklets] FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#553692: capiutils.postinst: line 13: /sbin/MAKEDEV: No such file or directory Bug#553692: marked as done (capiutils.postinst: line 13: /sbin/MAKEDEV: No such file or directory) Bug#553693: libghttp: should this package be removed? Bug#553714: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553720: rhyme: should this package be removed? Bug#553724: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553737: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553759: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553769: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553790: marked as done (replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev) Bug#553790: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553794: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553797: galternatives: should this package be removed? Bug#553797: marked as done (galternatives: should this package be removed?) Bug#553811: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553837: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553840: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553841: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553842: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553858: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553879: replacing libreadline5-dev build dependency with libreadline-dev Bug#553887: directvnc: should this package be removed? Bug#553934: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#553948: About the lockfile vulnerabiltiy Bug#553950: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#553987: ytnef-filter does not actually decode anymore Bug#553988: ytnef-filter does not replace winmail.dat Bug#554017: about my example code Bug#554017: it should only depend on WHEN the question was asked Bug#554017: sun-java6-bin: Timezone FAIL on DST fall-back Bug#554042: [bsdgames] FTBFS due to multiple declarations of getline Bug#554042: marked as done ([bsdgames] FTBFS due to multiple declarations of getline) Bug#554222: New graphviz upstream version Bug#554241: SVG support requires python-xml, but package has no dependency Bug#554298: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554363: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554416: openntpd: -p option refused by ntpd Bug#554455: /usr/share/egroupware/etemplate/doc: egroupware etemplate/doc directory not correctly detected Bug#554464: tkgate: 1.8.7 complains of corrupted files Bug#554475: [INTL:gl] isdnutils debconf translation update Bug#554533: fixed Bug#554537: marked as done (postinst failes with exit status 30) Bug#554537: postinst failes with exit status 30 Bug#554557: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554557: patch hint Bug#554561: bsdmainutils: potential calendar fixes? Bug#554561: marked as done (bsdmainutils: potential calendar fixes?) Bug#554587: gmrun_0.9.1-3(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: compiler errors Bug#554587: marked as done (gmrun_0.9.1-3(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: compiler errors) Bug#554587: Patch to fix 554587 Bug#554662: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554741: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554766: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554923: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#554926: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#555019: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#555035: FTBFS: error: invalid conversion from 'int (*)(const dirent**, const dirent**)' to 'int (*)(const void*, const void*)' Bug#555059: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#555075: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#555174: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#555266: marked as done (otrs2: CVE-2007-2383 and CVE-2008-7720 prototypejs vulnerabilities) Bug#555266: otrs2: CVE-2007-2383 and CVE-2008-7720 prototypejs vulnerabilities Bug#555267: marked as done (otrs2: embeds prototype.js) Bug#555267: otrs2: embeds prototype.js Bug#555325: gq: version 1.3.4 completely unusable Bug#555407: python-configobj: Fresh upstream is way too long overdue (The current version is 4.6.0, dated 13th April 2008) Bug#555467: gmanedit: Buffer overflow with wizard man page creator Bug#555467: marked as done (gmanedit: Buffer overflow with wizard man page creator) Bug#555467: Patch ready Bug#555610: wvdial: Doesn't connect with option modem after upgrading to 1.60.3 Bug#555988: linuxvnc: wrong process of control key state Bug#556060: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556066: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556073: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556174: otrs2 wants to install the mysql-database as root and not as debian-maintainer-user Bug#556290: [libg2-dev] program fail to link due to unresolved symbol Bug#556306: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556328: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556333: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556336: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556343: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556378: libncurses5-dev: Impossible to build a program with -static Bug#556391: poedit: wish: sync with Launchpad Bug#556478: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556482: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556498: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556505: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556620: new upstream version 1.4.3 available Bug#556682: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556683: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556696: FTBFS with binutils-gold Bug#556933: Removed package(s) from unstable Bug#556978: sun-java6-bin: javax.imageio.ImageIO.write prints stack trace if file un-writable. Bug#557039: thttpd: support for ogg mime/content types Bug#557160: gpsk31: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Bug#557321: defoma: create wrong prerm script Bug#557321: marked as done (defoma: create wrong prerm script) Bug#557491: Typo in package description: "This packages" Bug#557533: Typo in package description: "This packages" Bug#557554: libplist0: segfault while getting PLIST_DATE value Bug#557554: marked as done (libplist0: segfault while getting PLIST_DATE value) Bug#557556: #557556 trousers: FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386 Bug#557556: marked as done (trousers: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD) Bug#557556: marked as done (trousers: FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386) Bug#557556: trousers: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Bug#557559: marked as done (Typo in package description: "This packages") Bug#557559: Typo in package description: "This packages" Bug#557642: libiphone-dev: please package new upstream version (0.9.4) Bug#557690: Removed package(s) from unstable Bug#557749: graphviz: different parallelograms have different angles Bug#557792: capisuite: uses pythonX.Y/site-packages for Python >= 2.6 Bug#557792: marked as done (capisuite: uses pythonX.Y/site-packages for Python >= 2.6) Bug#557822: libplist: uses pythonX.Y/site-packages for Python >= 2.6 Bug#557822: marked as done (libplist: uses pythonX.Y/site-packages for Python >= 2.6) Bug#557950: prokyon3: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Bug#557959: marked as done (xmms2tray: FTBFS with Python >= 2.6) Bug#557959: xmms2tray: FTBFS with Python >= 2.6 Bug#557980: Please provide steps to get to the segfault Bug#557980: xppaut: Segfaults on various actions Bug#558055: jwchat: [INTL:ja] please add Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po) Bug#558061: phalanx: [INTL:ja] please add Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po) Bug#558064: unixcw: [INTL:ja] please add Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po) Bug#558093: marked as done (python-wxgtk2.8: cannot import wx.aui module) Bug#558093: python-wxgtk2.8: cannot import wx.aui module Bug#558105: defoma-doc: defoma-hints docs should mention that opentype is not supported Bug#558173: marked as done (Update 17 fixes several security issues) Bug#558173: Update 17 fixes several security issues Bug#558191: Several errors in pcopy (1.5-2) Bug#558215: hk-classes: FTBFS with python2.6 Bug#558215: marked as done (hk-classes: FTBFS with python2.6) Bug#558253: gmrun: no configuration file Bug#558450: Removed package(s) from unstable Bug#558539: Missing autoreconf to fix 554821 or similar bugs in the future Bug#558859: Resolve unresolved symbols in shared libraries Bug#558868: Resolve unresolved symbols in shared libraries Bug#558869: Resolve unresolved symbols in shared libraries Bug#558882: Resolve unresolved symbols in shared libraries Bug#558899: Resolve unresolved symbols in shared libraries Bug#68670: And no forewarning gives Bug#92661: #92661 rxvt problems with joe via ssh or telnet callgit 1.6-2 MIGRATED to testing canto 0.7.5-1 MIGRATED to testing cdtool 2.1.8-release-2 MIGRATED to testing colrconv 0.99.3-4 MIGRATED to testing colrdx 1.02-3 MIGRATED to testing cournol 0.5-2 MIGRATED to testing cwdaemon 0.9.4-7 MIGRATED to testing cwirc 2.0.0-3 MIGRATED to testing dclock 2.2.2-2 MIGRATED to testing defoma 0.11.10-2 MIGRATED to testing denemo 0.8.10-1 MIGRATED to testing directvnc REMOVED from testing Education Software News-November 2009 Email flex-old 2.5.4a-8 MIGRATED to testing gcb 1:1.07-3 MIGRATED to testing glfer 0.4.1-3 MIGRATED to testing gmanedit 0.4.2-2 MIGRATED to testing gmanedit 0.4.2-3 MIGRATED to testing gmrun 0.9.1-4 MIGRATED to testing Good day my friend, gpsk31 0.5-2 MIGRATED to testing gq 1.3.4-1 MIGRATED to testing grig 0.7.2-3 MIGRATED to testing hamlib 1.2.9-2 MIGRATED to testing happydigger 3.2-2 MIGRATED to testing herrie 2.2-1 MIGRATED to testing I envision a glorious sunrise ibp 0.21-7 MIGRATED to testing Incomplete upload found in Debian upload queue Informacion/Notice Intent to NMU sun-java6 to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs intlfonts 1.2.1-8 MIGRATED to testing intlfonts override disparity isdnutils 1:3.9.20060704-7 MIGRATED to testing ispell MIGRATED to testing jack-tools 0.0.2-7 MIGRATED to testing jikes REMOVED from testing kallery 1.2.0-4 MIGRATED to testing ksimus-boolean 0.3.6-14 MIGRATED to testing REMOVED from testing LED Gas/Oil Signs libifp MIGRATED to testing libvformat 1.13-5 MIGRATED to testing lineak-defaultplugin 1:0.9-6 MIGRATED to testing lineak-kdeplugins 2:0.9-6 MIGRATED to testing lineak-xosdplugin 1:0.9-8 MIGRATED to testing makeztxt 1.62-1 MIGRATED to testing marote 3.1-4 MIGRATED to testing Re: medical profession listings minimuf 3.5-2 MIGRATED to testing mmucl 1.5.2-2 MIGRATED to testing mn-fit 5.13-7 MIGRATED to testing modconf 0.3.10 MIGRATED to testing mol-drivers-linux REMOVED from testing morse 2.1-3 MIGRATED to testing mtink override disparity My name - Elena nec2c 0.8-2 MIGRATED to testing netbeans-ide REMOVED from testing otrs2 2.3.4-5 MIGRATED to testing otrs2 2.3.4-6 MIGRATED to testing paq8l 20070308-3 MIGRATED to testing pingpong 0.02-3 MIGRATED to testing possible MBF on your packages Processed (with 1 errors): move to versioned source packages Processed (with 1 errors): Re: Bug#506294: netbeans-ide: moving the package to main Processed: bsdiff: is extremely slow on some files, sometimes hangs Processed: close 485569 Processed: Commands for Bug#231616 Processed: limit source to ksimus-datarecorder, tagging 534032 Processed: limit source to ksimus-floatingpoint, tagging 533982 Processed: Merging bugs Processed: move to source Processed: move to source packages Processed: patch Processed: patch 552830 Processed: Patch to fix 554587 Processed: re: #500236 wrong display of UTF-8 characters Processed: re: #515609 ncurses-base: in linux terminfo data, smacs and rmacs are incorrect Processed: re: #92661 rxvt problems with joe via ssh or telnet Processed: Re: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc and powerpc Processed: Re: Bug#231616: defoma: Apply patch, please Processed: Re: Bug#549407: ivtools 1.2.6-1 FTBFS on sparc Processed: Re: Bug#554432: trouble while exiting from jfbterm mode and there is another one that hasn't Processed: Re: Bug#556174: otrs2 wants to install the mysql-database as root and not as debian-maintainer-user Processed: Re: Bug#557556: trousers: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD Processed: Re: read-in-maintainer-script preinst Processed: reassign and merge Processed: reopen 549878 Processed: tagging #550716 Processed: tagging 184871 Processed: tagging 280176 Processed: tagging 335087 Processed: tagging 337311 Processed: tagging 361223 Processed: tagging 367299 Processed: tagging 381114 Processed: tagging 415057 Processed: tagging 431930 Processed: tagging 478456 Processed: tagging 485217 Processed: tagging 485897 Processed: tagging 493759 Processed: tagging 497014 Processed: tagging 507602 Processed: tagging 525925 Processed: tagging 527499 Processed: tagging 527831 Processed: tagging 528657 Processed: tagging 554561 Processed: tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW Processed: tagpending Processed: your mail Processing of afbackup_3.5.3-3_i386.changes Processing of archmbox_4.10.0-1_i386.changes Processing of avifile_0.7.48~20090503.ds-1_i386.changes Processing of avifile_0.7.48~20090503.ds-2_i386.changes The last update was on 08:58 GMT Sat Jun 01. 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