debian-sparc Oct 2002 by thread
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- Problems installing Debian on SunBlade100 Just a friendly Jedi Knight
- kernel-image-2.4.19-sun4u-smp Decompression error Brian Macy
- Re: [PLUG] Kernel recompile SUCCESS! Brendan Miller
- xfree86 4.2.1-0pre1v2 (source,alpha,i386,hppa,powerpc,sparc) available at the X Strike Force Branden Robinson
- 2.4.19 on Ultra1 - Will it work? Ian Chilton
- Re: libc6-sparc64 2.2.5-11.2 problem John P. Looney
- Re: NCPFS, anyone? Roy Bixler
- FW: Bootstrap failure gcc 3.2 cvs branch: lib.o: In function `lib__sort': /gcc/ada/lib-sort.adb:39: undefined reference to `__enable_execute_stack' Christian Jönsson
- Re: libc6 (+sparc64) deb hell Andrew Sharp
- mysql-server install problem Tomislav Renic
- Installation problems onto Ultra1 of Debian/Woody Tim Ellis
- Is something wrong with the buildd (which did build put not upload a package). Sven LUTHER
- E3000 installation problem (cont'd) Andreas Loong
- searching access to a sparc sid box ... Sven LUTHER
- Re : searching access to a sparc sid box ... andreas
- Solaris emulation in 2.4.19 Roy Bixler
- Mailscanner on debian sparc James Ireson
- 2 Questions. Pascal Brugier
- PROM & installing woody on a SPARC running potato peter_easthope
- 32 Vs. 64 bits Igor TAmara
- woody on Sparc Classic Iago Mosqueira
- Kernel 2.4.19 and ide-scsi Rob Walsh
- RE: Console on SS20 dleecurt
- Quotas brandoo
- DPMS / creator3d (sunffb) James Walker
- About SCSI HDD MBR Questions. Jacky_Chung
- 300c PTnAZ
- SILO Antonio Luiz Pacifico
- newer version lic6 Christophorus Laube
- potato -> woody on SPARC 2. peter_easthope
- Problems installing Linux in Ultra Sparc III SunFire 280R Rodrigo Senra
- Wie gehts denn so ? Chris
- where can I download linux for sparc? victor
- binfmt_elf.o Tim Ellis
- still problems de- and reinstalling libc6-sparc64 bob . debianlists
- Ben Collins' tftpboot.img and SunFire V880 Russ Smith
- sparc32 2.4.20-pre10 kernel debs Rob Radez
- Problems with net boot on SS SLC Boris Bierwald
- sparc 5 install, first boot issues Kristofer Bergstrom
- sparc 5 install, first boot woes semi-solved Kristofer Bergstrom
- sparc 5 booting from disk difficulty Kristofer Bergstrom
- Re: [Re: sparc 5 install, first boot woes semi-solved] Kristofer Bergstrom
- Re: [Re: [Re: sparc 5 install, first boot woes semi-solved]] Kristofer Bergstrom
- sparc5 boot woes SOLVED Kristofer Bergstrom
- Re: disk recovery cd, for sparc Brenda J. Butler
- Installation problems on a 1000e Jacob Andreas Helwig
- Openoffice ? John P. Looney
- Boot problem Antonio Luiz Pacifico
- lp0 off-line Antonio Luiz Pacifico
- Sparc64 Install Problem Dan Koch
- 2.4.20-pre11 sparc32 kernel debs Rob Radez
- Postgresql and 64bit types... Brian Macy
- Netra X1 install? Steve Haavik
scheduler O(1) tann
output from man peter_easthope
Problems While Installing on SunBlade100 Maksim Zelenov
Re (2): output from man peter_easthope
problem while building against libpgsql2 on sparc Stefano Zacchiroli
woody boot hangs w/CD Donald Knecht
uname -p/-i James A Morrison
Unidentified subject! Hoebeke Mark
Ultra 2/5/10 w/o HD,CPU,MEM Turbo Fredriksson
Is my hardware supported? Anders Mörtsell
Sparc 5: installation failed Hartwig Atrops
kernel 2.4.x on sun4c Nathan E Norman
SPARC Lists? William C (Bill) Jones
Success installing on a Sun Fire 280R was Re: Problems installing Linux in Ultra Sparc III SunFire 280R Eduardo F. J. de Castro
/etc/apt/sources.list ? iudicium ferat
work needed on the python2.1 -> 2.2 transition Matthias Klose
Re: RETURNED EMAIL Bas Zoetekouw
Re: FW: Mail System Error - Returned Mail Tollef Fog Heen
Problem booting Sun Blade 100 with Debian install media Arne Nordmark
Part 2: Sparc 5: installation failed Hartwig Atrops
xpdf and unicode code charts peter_easthope
default font error Brian Auty
Sound on KDE on Ultra 10 w/ CS4321 Daniel 'Doc' Sewell
3D Graphics on Woody / Ultra 10 with Creator3D Daniel 'Doc' Sewell
Woody boot CD/Floppy Turbo Fredriksson
md (raid1) problem on sparc Ultra1 Francesco P. Lovergine
dist-upgrade problem after make-kpkg Mark T. Valites
Letzte Aufforderung ! Hr.Dr.Wohlfahrt
SunBlade 100 X issue Brennan M Mulligan
Choosing FB device for booting PNM
unknown partition table Sven Lankes
/dev broken.... help to restore it? Christian Jönsson
Network boot freeze Ruzsinszky Attila
Sun4M SMP Kernel Donald G. Knecht
Debian woody and Sun Ray 100 Marco Rodriguez
Ultra 10 Networking Peculiarity AUSTIN MURPHY
LED and lasers supply peter
audio kernel panics John P. Looney
libpam0g-dev for Sparc jan
Recent gcl build failures: texinfo and texi2html Camm Maguire
SunBlade 150 boot-floppies trouble Maitland Bottoms
扂蠅岆嗣髡夔猀諷け蚳珛扢數迵秶婖腔鼠侗 我们是多功能遥控器专业设计与制造的公司
sparc32 2.4.20-rc1 kernel debs Rob Radez
Adding new ethernet card to Sun20 todd.sarratt
Re: A IE 6.0 patch games
audio cd on ultra 5 Mark T. Valites
The last update was on 08:18 GMT Sat May 18. There are 360 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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