debian-sparc Jan 2000 by thread
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Boot disks for sparc? Stephen Zander
kernels above 2.2.9 fail on SS5 Attila Nagy
ANN: initial sparc potato boot floppies ready for testing Ben Collins
Please Help... Mark A Cinense
question about floppy drive support ferret
Troubles booting sparcstation over a network Maarten Vink
SPARC 1+ installation report (potato) Sven Hartrumpf
potato success on various SPARCstations and two questions. andrea . martano
2.2.14 kernel images available Ben Collins
where is kernel src and after install problems? andrea . martano
ANN: new boot disks to test Ben Collins
my scsi hard disk doesn't work with my cdrom John Davis
WARNING: the latest boot floppies are broken Ben Collins
boot floppies and NFSroot? ferret
new disks andrea . martano
New set of sparc boot disks Ben Collins
PCI Graphic card support Roberto Beccherle
Re: Partitioning SparcStation ferret
booting SPARC Ragga Muffin
some ramdisk questions Sven Hartrumpf
Audio? Chris McKillop
problems with apt-get upgrading from slink to potato Ari Heitner
cross-compiling ? Ragga Muffin
Definitive package list for 2.1r5... Vincent Renardias
Potato readiness ? Ragga Muffin
more problems netbooting ferret
netscape/communicator John F. Davis
silo issues: can't boot off the HD Ari Heitner
mouse troubles Floyd Rodgers
quad ethernet Marcin Kurc
build problem with xpdf Hamish Moffatt
sparc binaries/disks missing? Glen S Mehn
Weitek Power uP Processor Georges A. Tomazi
sparc installation Andreas Jellinghaus
Re: Bug#55658: t1lib0 does not appear to be available Adam Di Carlo
problems with libgc5 Gergely Madarasz
The last update was on 06:42 GMT Sat May 11. There are 128 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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