debian-lint-maint Feb 2008 by subject

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不在時の自動応答: Be Happy About Your Size Réponse automatique d'absence du bureau : Enjoy Your Bigger cock [checks/scripts] checkbashsims update Akos Grelinger ist außer Haus. All weapons for battle against diseases! Re: Another raw idea for lintian check: variable substitution in debconf templates Re: Another raw idea for lintian check: variable substitution in debconf templates AUTO: Anton Kamleitner/DHV/DI/UAG ist außer Haus. (Rückkehr am 18.02.2008) Bug#253012: [checks/scripts] check all /bin/sh scripts for bashisms Bug#253012: Bug#253498: [checks/scripts] check all /bin/sh scripts for bashisms Bug#273309: marked as done (.devhelp usability check) Bug#286842: lintian: Avoid false positives Bug#286842: marked as done (lintian: Please enforce the ./debian/copyright "Copyright of" line) Bug#304866: marked as done (Add warning for build-depends on lib<something not ending with -dev>) Bug#345487: marked as done (lintian: Add warning when Build-Depend on version number like 1.23-1 (should be 1.23)) Bug#377392: marked as done ([manpages] check for undefined macros) Bug#381180: marked as done (lintian: Warn about using start-stop-daemon instead of invoke-rc.d in maintainer scripts.) Bug#409131: marked as done (lintian: debian/copyright: Check that copyright year(s) are included) Bug#458164: marked as done (Lintian should not suggest the Makefile test for packages that use a static Makefile) Bug#458742: marked as done (lintian: Please test for valid filenames for run-parts) Bug#458785: marked as done ([checks/fields] *-dbg packages should not have empty dependencies) Bug#459502: marked as done (Detect when package installs a ".gitignore" file) Bug#459509: marked as done (Regression in 'binary-with-bad-dynamic-table' test) Bug#459512: marked as done (Regression in 'arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share' testcase) Bug#459514: marked as done ('script-with-language-extension' should check for more languages) Bug#459787: marked as done (lintian doesn't accept origin and bugs field in binary packages) Bug#459851: marked as done (lintian: outputs wrong total count of overrides) Bug#459871: marked as done (hyphen-used-as-minus-sign false positives) Bug#460168: marked as done (lintian: ant needed in clean target) Bug#460347: marked as done (lintian: correct capitalization of projet names: OCaml) Bug#460499: marked as done (lintian: No need to warn about missing short-description LSB header in init.d scripts) Bug#460625: marked as done (Check for python build-deps doesn't allow packages relying on specific versions) Bug#460731: marked as done (not-using-po-debconf is overeager) Bug#460844: marked as done (lintian: warn about the presence of .gitignore files in binary packages) Bug#460964: marked as done (issues unknown unknown-interpreter tag) Bug#460966: marked as done (uninitialized values when having empty prerm script) Bug#461350: marked as done ([shared-libs] Check for a missing libc dependency indicating ${shlibs:Depends} problems) Bug#461822: marked as done (lintian: Please consider correct (Unicode-aware) line length in debian/changelog for line-too-long) Bug#461823: marked as done (lintian: Please detect distribution/urgency mismatches) Bug#461978: marked as done (lintian: spurious Perl warnings with --unpack) Bug#461982: marked as done (lintian: breaks when laboratory directory is specified as a relative path) Bug#462065: marked as done (lintian: check for versionned dependencies for ocamlrun interpreter) Bug#462456: marked as done (lintian: Please consider testing if files in -dbg packages retain Dynamic Section entries) Bug#462586: marked as done (lintian: Please don't no-description-in-changes-file for source-only .changes) Bug#462601: marked as done (lintian: su-wrapper-not-su-to-root doesn't catch all the desktop files using non su-to-root wrappers) Bug#462635: marked as done (lintian: Please warn if maintainer is a list and uploaders is empty) Bug#463028: marked as done (lintian should complain about use of dh_* without proper versioned build-dep) Bug#463138: lintian: package-contains-empty-perl-directory and Perl 5.10 Bug#463138: marked as done (lintian: package-contains-empty-perl-directory and Perl 5.10) Bug#463142: marked as done (lintian: please check for a missing perlapi-* dependency) Bug#463281: marked as done (lintian: tclsh-script-but-no-tclsh-dep and wish-script-but-no-wish-dep don't test for all Tcl/Tk packages) Bug#463282: marked as done (lintian: tclsh-script-but-no-tclsh-dep and wish-script-but-no-wish-dep don't test for all Tcl/Tk packages) Bug#463474: lintian: Please check doc-base Section field for allowed values Bug#463476: marked as done ([checks/scripts] script_is_evil_and_wrong() could catch more scripts) Bug#463900: False positive for missing dh_desktop call in packages without MimeType fields Bug#463913: lintian: Miscounts line length when unicode characters are involved Bug#463913: marked as done (lintian: Miscounts line length when unicode characters are involved) Bug#464026: [checks/scripts] Sync bashism tests with checkbashisms Bug#464026: marked as done ([checks/scripts] Sync bashism tests with checkbashisms) Bug#464026: notfound 464026 in 1.2.42, found 464026 in 1.3.42 Bug#464461: lintian: Wrongly getting a spelling error Bug#464461: marked as done ([lib/Spelling] spelling correction for D-Bus wrong) Bug#464511: detect a fully vaild .po file as non-valid Bug#464511: Fwd: Re: Bug#464511: detect a fully vaild .po file as non-valid Bug#464511: marked as done (detect a fully vaild .po file as non-valid) Bug#464626: marked as done (missing-dependency-on-perlapi: false positives) Bug#464626: missing-dependency-on-perlapi: false positives Bug#464709: lintian: Something wrong with checking for python build-depends Bug#464709: marked as done (lintian: Something wrong with checking for python build-depends) Bug#464775: lintian: false positive about debconf module loading Bug#464775: marked as done (lintian: false positive about debconf module loading) Bug#464837: should warn about merciurial files Bug#464992: lintian: Copyright false positive Bug#465132: outdated-autotools-helper-file: Should refer to autotools-dev README Bug#465192: lintian: Please warn on documentation referring to /usr/doc Bug#465258: lintian: copyright-without-copyright-notice should accept line breaks Bug#466425: lintian: Please warn about debhelper compat level Bug#466425: marked as done (lintian: Please warn about debhelper compat level) Bug#466501: missing-dependency-on-perlapi and -dbg packages Bug#466617: Acknowledgement (lintian: Wrong spelling-error-in-copyright for publically) Bug#466617: lintian: Wrong spelling-error-in-copyright for publically Bug#466665: lintian: menu-command-not-in-package should not warn about the use of su-to-root Bug#466701: [checks/scripts] Add Kaptain to list of known interpreters Bug#466714: bogus advice in copyright-without-copyright-notice Bug#466979: lintian: Learn new fields Checksums-* in .dsc and .changes Bug#467019: off-by-one error in debian-changelog-line-too-long (80 column check) Bug#467425: lintian: tag sharedobject-in-library-directory-not-actually-a-shlib is confusing Bug#467642: new check for unneeded control scripts Bug#468147: Check for correct lsb-base dependency for init script functions Bug#468362: lintian: [checks/scripts] fails to find zsh interpreter dependency Bug#468370: please add yorick as a known interpreter checks/scripts / checkbashsims updates dfsg/ds/etc versioning Es ist mehr bekommen Sie RE: Get the Exact Size You Want to Have Re: Good Health for Less Money How to Turn Your Pain into Blessings Illegal IMail List Server Command! Info on UK Tour lintian 1.23.45 MIGRATED to testing lintian: r1154 - in trunk/testset: . foo++/debian lintian: r1155 - trunk/testset/foo++/debian lintian: r1156 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/scripts testset/scripts/debian lintian: r1157 - in trunk: checks debian testset/binary/debian lintian: r1158 - in trunk: checks debian testset lintian: r1159 - in trunk: checks debian testset/scripts/debian lintian: r1160 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/filenames/debian lintian: r1161 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/etcfiles/debian lintian: r1162 - trunk/checks lintian: r1163 - in trunk: checks debian testset lintian: r1164 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/filenames/debian lintian: r1165 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1166 - trunk/testset/binary/debian lintian: r1167 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1168 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/manpages/debian lintian: r1169 - in trunk: checks debian testset lintian: r1170 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/manpages lintian: r1171 - trunk/checks lintian: r1172 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/maintainer-scripts/debian lintian: r1173 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/debug/debian lintian: r1174 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/binary/debian testset/foo++/debian testset/maintainer-scripts/debian lintian: r1175 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/binary/debian lintian: r1176 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/libbaz/debian lintian: r1177 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/debug/debian lintian: r1178 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/cdbs-test/debian lintian: r1179 - trunk/debian lintian: r1180 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1181 - releases lintian: r1182 - in trunk: debian lib testset/binary/debian lintian: r1183 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/libbaz/debian lintian: r1184 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/debconf/debian/po lintian: r1185 - trunk/debian lintian: r1186 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/relations/debian lintian: r1187 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/cdbs-test/debian testset/debug/debian testset/foo++/debian testset/non-us/debian testset/scripts/debian lintian: r1188 - trunk/debian lintian: r1189 - releases lintian: r1190 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1191 - in trunk: checks debian testset/relations/debian lintian: r1192 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1193 - trunk/debian lintian: r1194 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1195 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/maintainer-scripts/debian lintian: r1196 - trunk/checks lintian: r1197 - releases lintian: r1198 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/scripts/debian lintian: r1199 - in trunk: checks debian testset lintian: r1200 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1201 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1202 - trunk/testset lintian: r1203 - trunk/testset/debug/debian lintian: r1204 - in trunk: checks debian testset/debug/debian lintian: r1205 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/filenames/debian lintian: r1206 - trunk/debian lintian: r1207 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1208 - trunk/debian lintian: r1209 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1210 - in trunk: debian frontend lintian: r1211 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1212 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/etcfiles/debian lintian: r1213 - in trunk: debian lib lintian: r1214 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1215 - in trunk: debian frontend lintian: r1216 - in trunk: debian reporting lintian: r1217 - trunk/checks lintian: r1218 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1221 - trunk/checks lintian: r1222 - in trunk: debian lib lintian: r1223 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1224 - in trunk: checks debian lintian: r1225 - in trunk: checks debian testset/binary/debian lintian: r1226 - trunk/debian lintian: r1227 - in trunk: checks debian testset/debconf/debian lintian: r1228 - in trunk: checks debian lintian_1.23.43_i386.changes ACCEPTED lintian_1.23.44_i386.changes ACCEPTED lintian_1.23.45_i386.changes ACCEPTED Re: List of packages shipping shell scripts with bashisms + MBF proposal Merge tags for VCS'? Re: Our Product Really Makes Wonders Pleasure Your Woman, Increase Your Size Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1156 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1157 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1158 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1159 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1160 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1161 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1163 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1164 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1165 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1167 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1168 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1169 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1172 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1173 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1175 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1176 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1177 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1178 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1182 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1183 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1184 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1186 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1187 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1191 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1194 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1195 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1198 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1204 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1212 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1214 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1218 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1222 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1223 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1224 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1225 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1227 Processed: Lintian bugs fixed in revision r1228 Processed: merging 461822 463913 Processed: merging 463913 461822 Processed: notfound 464026 in 1.2.42, found 464026 in 1.3.42 Processed: Re: lintian: Copyright false positive Processed: setting package to lintian, retitle 464461 to [lib/Spelling] spelling correction for D-Bus wrong Processed: severity of 463495 is wishlist, merging 463474 463495 Processed: severity of 464837 is wishlist ..., tagging 464837 Processed: tagging 377392 Processed: tagging 465132 Processing of lintian_1.23.43_i386.changes Processing of lintian_1.23.44_i386.changes Processing of lintian_1.23.45_i386.changes Requesting your permission Response from Woodring Saint Preux, Fouye Networks and Team Re: Select the Best Place to Buy Meds Some fixed warnings still showing up on lintian.d.o Re: Soon You Will Notice the Difference Test suite failure Thank you for requesting information on Life Empowerment support groups web pages broken? The last update was on 19:02 GMT Fri Jun 21. There are 302 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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